Dear Wikimedians,

The traction for Wikimedia projects and content in Indian languages (and
Indian content in English) has been growing over the last decade thanks to
the passion and tireless contributions of  several Wikimedians. We are
getting set for WikiConference India 2011 which is around the corner.  The
Wikimedia Chapter Executive Committee (EC) and the Conference organising
team thought it is appropriate to  recognize the most noteworthy
contributors to Indian language projects and Indian content in English
during the conference.

Arun Ramarathnam and Naveen Francis from the EC are leading this
initiative. The  process for the recognition has been prepared and a well
diversified  Jury is identified. Details of the process and the Jury are
enclosed for your perusal.

I would like to appeal to all of you to spare few minutes to think of
fellow wikimedians who made a significant difference over the first decade
of Wikimedia movement and nominate them for the recognition.

Further communication on the wiki based nomination form would follow from
the Jury. Please spread this communication  across other relevant lists and
 participate enthusiastically and help make this initiative, the first
collective effort to appreciate stellar contributions from the community a


Arjuna Rao Chavala

President, Wikimedia India


Noteworthy Wikimedian Recognition

The Recognition

Wikimedia projects have been active in India for a few years and the
journey has been exciting (Wikimedia Chapter First Annual
Gautam John's 
This has been made possible by the contributions of hundreds of Wikimedians
across various Wikimedia projects. WikiConference India 2011 is the first
conference and largest congregation of Wikimedians in India across
Wikimedia projects. The Wikimedia India chapter Executive committee
believes it would be befitting to use this opportunity to recognize
noteworthy contributions of some of the best contributors to our projects.

The objective of this recognition is to appreciate Wikimedians
(contributing to India focused projects) from across Wikimedia projects and
languages for their contributions.

The nomination process

   - Any Wikimedian can nominate any other wikimedian of their choice for
   the recognition (preferred). Self nominations are also allowed.

   - Nominees for the Recognition should have made significant
   contributions to Wikimedia India projects or the movement. Contributions
   include  content,  Outreach and contributions in any other form.
   - Nominations should be  through  a filled Nomination form on the Wikimedia
   India wiki <>.
   - Incomplete nominations will not be considered.
   - The jury's decision would be final.

Eligibility Criterion

Any wikimedian other than current Members of the Wikimedia India  Executive
committee, members of the Jury,  Wiki Conference India Office bearers,
staff/contractors of the Wikimedia foundation  or anyone paid directly for
their time/effort by Wikimedia organisations  are eligible for these

The Jury

Jury constitution
The chapter has constituted a Jury with members from the Chapter Executive
committee, Wikimedia Foundation India office, Conference organisers and
Community and other key stakeholders.

Jury composition

   1. Achal Prabhala
   2. Arun Ramarathnam
   3. Ashwin Baindur
   4. Bishaka Datta
   5. Hisham Mundol
   6. Jayanta Nath
   7. Naveen Francis
   8. Pradeep Mohandas
   9. Shiju Alex

Jury's role and responsibility
The role of the jury will be to select Wikimedians for the recognition from
the nominations made.

Key dates

   - Announcement of call for nominations  to community: 9th Nov 2011,
   - Last date for nomination submission:13th Nov 2011, Sunday
   - Finalisation of Jury decision:17th Nov 2011, Thursday

The  Recognition ceremony

The Chapter Executive committee will conduct a formal recognition ceremony
in the WikiConference 2011 to recognise the winners. The winners would be
given a certificate/citation.
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