I thought I'd share with you a couple of links that are of relevance to the 
India Education Program.  As you are aware, we are running a pilot of the 
education program in Pune.  We are collating hard numbers to evaluate the pilot 
- and we'll share a full evaluation as soon as it is ready.  However, it is 
clear that there are a number of mistakes that have been made - some of which 
ought to have been avoided (especially with regards to communicating stronger 
with the global wikipedia community, not agreeing to so many students signing 
up, anticipating the copy-pasting issue, etc.)

There've been many learnings that we're taking from it and Nitika has been 
collating these at 
  Please do note that this page is a draft and is very much work-in-progress.  
In addition, do also check out the discussion page - which we are trying to 
have as a focal point for all discussion regarding the education program.  

In addition, Signpost covered the education program on 
and there are some very nuanced and insightful comments on it.

I wanted to share these two pages because some of you might not be aware of 
them. Please feel free to join the conversations on either/both page.

I also do want to publicly acknowledge the stunning work of the Campus 
Ambassadors.  I know they have taken a lot of flak and my heart goes out to 
them.  You are an awesome team and it's been wonderful to see you at work.  
Your fingerprints are all over every good article!  Thank you!

I also know that there have been wonderful contributions by a bunch of students 
and I do hope their fantastic accomplishments are not lost out in the 
discussion on the pilot's problems.  Do check out some more of the geat work of 
students (in addition to the ones Nitika had shared earlier)


Over the next few weeks, we will take an objective, data and fact driven review 
of the pilot and then determine the best way forward.  We will learn from our 
mistakes and will do so with brutal integrity and objectivity.  

Warm Regards,


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