On Nov 13, 2011, at 5:58 AM, Shiju Alex wrote:

> Another strategy that we can adopt while doing this program in India is, 
> about the selection of articles for editing. We can ask students to 
> contribute to articles that they are interested in, rather than of all of 
> them editing the articles on the same topic. 
> The reason I am telling this is, In India (in general) it is not the students 
> who are deciding the course (and career) that they want to study/pursue. 
> Parents, relatives, and community around them decide that. So even though the 
> student's interest may lie in a specific area, he might be studying a 
> different course. 
> Allowing students to edit in a topic that they like will bring in more 
> original content. But the issue with this methodology is, the role of 
> Professors might be reduced, and the role of CA and OA might be increased. 
> And I am not sure how the  
> But this methodology is adopted very successfully in Kerala using School 
> wiki. But we may say, that is school children and they are not mature enough 
> for wikipedia editing. Again that is our misconception. In general, 
> personally I am more interested to target school students (high school and 
> Plus 2) than college students. School children are fantastic. It is true that 
> most of us under estimate them. But to see the successful result from India, 
> see the young and wonderful wikipedians we have in Malayalam wikipedia and 
> wikisource. 
> Note: Please note that I am replying to this thread as a Malayalam wiki 
> community memeber.
> Shiju

Those are very valid points, Shiju.  ...and we should and will take lessons 
from the malayalam wikipedia and wikisource initiatives, and other similar 
ones. is what you are suggesting something similar to a student's club

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