On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Gautam John <gau...@prathambooks.org>wrote:

> Worth checking out for the Chapter? And the Trust? Maybe both together?
> "Datawind, the inventor of world's cheapest tablet computer – UbiSlate
> – has joined hands with NASSCOM Foundation to help bridge the digital
> divide in India.
> Partnership focuses to announce a contest targeting the non-profit
> network across India, wherein 10 of them will stand an opportunity to
> win 20 Aakash tablets/UbiSlates each, to improve their operations and
> programme implementation, said a press release.
> The contest will open between December 2011 and January 2012.
> How will the winning streak be decided? Each of the participating
> organizations will have to showcase how best the UbiSlate will be used
> for socio-economic challenges such as education, health and
> livelihoods.
> NASSCOM Foundation definitely sees potential for the information and
> communication technologies sector playing a crucial role in the
> process of social change."
> http://www.ciol.com/News/News/News-Reports/NASSCOM-contest-winners-to-get-Aakash-tabs/157101/0/
Suneet Singh Tuli, the founder of Datawind, spoke about this at TEDxGateway
in Mumbai on Sunday, and expressed a personal interested in providing free
Aakash tablets for 'developmental' purposes. (He's verbally committed 500
free tablets to another Indian non-profit I know).

He lives in Canada; it may be worth talking to him too.

Also, seconding Gautam's idea: can the chapter and trust speak to each
other and figure out who has the drive, inclination, ability and capacity
to take this forward? (Working together never a bad idea, imho).

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