The only reason I requested this was so that there is a distinction and one arm 
does not claim credit for what the other is doing. If we have a separate 
chapter and India Programs (IP), there must be separate accountability. In 
practice, Chapter and IP may be working together, which is fantastic, but the 
report should then give details on who did what for there to be transparency.

Today we have both the Chapter and IP. Tomorrow, things may change. The 
foundation has not said that IP is here to stay, if tomorrow we dont have 
support from IP, the community/chapter should be prepared for that eventuality. 
Eg. if it is IP doing all the donkey work, we will understand where the chapter 
needs to ramp itself up. On the other hand, if the chapter/community is 
managing most of the outreach by itself and IP is concentrating on other 
things, that too must be underlined.

Hisham: IP has taken initiatives that need to be commended as well. For eg. 
Virtual Outreach via Google Hangout is Nitikas initiative. 

> Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 12:47:11 +0530
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wikimediaindia-l] India Program: Community Monthly Report: Feb  
> 2012
> hi,
> I don't think all events will fall so neatly into categories. I do not
> want to see a situation where Chapter and Foundation wrestle for any
> event.
> Pradeep
> Handheld
> On 07/03/2012, <> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Im a bit confused. IIRC, for the Trichy event, the Chapter signed an MoU,
> > which means it was a chapter outreach session which India Programs may have
> > supported (correct me if I am wrong).
> >
> > Hisham, can you please divide outreach activities into two - those conducted
> > by India Programs and those conducted by Community/Chapter but supported by
> > India Programs, giving details on how you supported them? Likewise, if the
> > chapter supports an India Programs initiative, it must mention in its report
> > that it was a supportive role and not a chapter event.
> >
> > As things stand, both the Chapter and India Programs will put in a report
> > stating they conducted x events, which will overlap with one and other, thus
> > not giving a clear picture of who conducted how many events.
> >
> > From:
> > Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 12:06:10 +0530
> > To:
> > Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] India Program: Community Monthly Report: Feb
> > 2012
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm starting a monthly update on India Program activities.  The report for
> > February is posted here.  I hope you find it useful.  Please do add comments
> > on the discussion page, or on this mail trail, or offlist to me.
> > Many thanks.
> >
> > hisham
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> -- 
> Pradeep Mohandas
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