"A very strong argument can be made for quitting presentations altogether
and relying only on the internet. A number of students created their

I like this part!  I don't think we can do away with presentations
completely, but the presentations should never overshadow the live training
aspect.  I personally find presentations to limit conversations rather than
keeping them open ended.  This is specially true for when you are training
potential new users.

"The next day’s session was on things geographical. Arun Ganesh dazzled the
audience with OpenStreetMap <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenStreetMap>
 and Quantum GIS <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_GIS>. Though the
stuff was a bit difficult to cotton on to, the students did really well. At
least six sets of students got the Java OpenStreetMap editor going, (quite
a feat)  and added road after road, building after building. To see the
effects visit NERIST at Nirjuli on OpenStreetMap, just 20 kilometers east
of Itanagar. The kids pretty much mapped up their whole campus that day. It
was amazing to see the student’s lap up the tech stuff. Reminds us how much
their inquisitive minds are deprived of genuine stimulation. They were
truly awesome."

I liked this part too!

 "The Victoria Memorial, Kolkata has been collaborating jointly with them
to improve the Museum’s exhibits and the results are very evident."

The entire museum was being revamped last time when I was there.  I hope
they have made some progress since then.

I really think you should move full-time into training college students how
to use Wikipedia, and I believe that would be an invaluable service not
only to the Wikimedia community but the entire community of geeky people in
the country. :)

Question: I see that the event was fairly successful, but would you
consider discussing those elements that could have been better?  This may
include factors within your control and within the control of the


On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Ashwin Baindur <ashwin.bain...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I was lucky enough to get to go to Arunachal Pradesh. One of my
> friends, could not go to the Northeast Regional Institute of Science
> and Technology (NERIST) so he recommended me instead. The NERIST
> wanted a speaker on Wikipedia and he recommended me for which I am
> deeply grateful. They sent me an air ticket and off I went....
> Please read the complete writeup & images at :
> http://thebutterflydiaries.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/outreach-in-itanagar/
> --
> Warm regards,
> Ashwin Baindur
> ------------------------------------------------------
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