Congratulations, Odia Wikimedians, for an extraordinarily productive weekend.  

You all should all be really proud of:

a) The sheer level of activity over 3 days: 3 outreach sessions and 1 meet-up 
is awe-inspiring!  
b) The fact that even relatively new folks in the community are standing up and 
taking initiatives, such as MKar conducting (what I think) is his first 
outreach session!  MKar, loved reading your mail about how you explained to 
folks that only the most interested need remain in the outreach session after 
the initial introductory bit 
  It came from the heart, and it was a delight to read!
c) Looking at all aspects of the various activities - from planning out the 
venues to getting a beautiful Odia version of the prezi presentation for your 
outreach sessions 
(  to talking 
in detail about the next steps
d) Showing wonderful initiative like approaching work colleagues for an 
outreach session at work.  We should try that in other places too.
e) Working collaboratively as a community on all the various activities - which 
you have done so magnificently across this weekend!  You are a warm, friendly 
community - and that comes from each of you as individuals!
f) Having a constructive meetup which was focussed on specific issues and from 
emerged clear plans and way forward!  I am sure this will encourage more 
meetups and more attendance in these meetups!
g) The press coverage that has been shared on this link is great, but I also 
have been seeing the social media that you are using (facebook, etc.) which is 
also going to be very useful for a language that has a decent level of activity 
on the Internet.
h) The medical outreach will give you great benefits for you Medicine Project.  
I know there are exams for the students right now, but let's approach them 
after that and see how they can join your community and projects.
i) You've put in huge physical effort and time - and I know some guys have 
travelled for hours to get to the various places!

All the very best for everything going forward.  Also, as always, please reach 
out if you need any help from India Program.  Do reach out to Subha or Shiju 
for anything.

Warmest Regards,


On Apr 9, 2012, at 2:30 PM, Mrutyunjaya Kar wrote:

> Hi all
> Apologies for the delayed report.
> Odia Wikimedia Community had a very eventful, exciting and constructive
> weekend last week!  i want to share with you a report of 3 (yes THREE!)
> outreach sessions and the community meet up held between March 30 and April
> 1. Odia Wikipedia Editing Workshop - Anugul - March 30
> *Summary*
> An "Editing Odia Wikipedia" workshop was conducted on 30th March at the
> National Institute of Computer Education, Nalconagar, Anugul. It was
> attended by 14 newbies. Odia WikipedianMrutyunjay
> Kar<> conducted
> the workshop by introducing Odia Wikipedia to the newbies. (In fact,
> Mrutyunjay single-handedly organized the session and most of the audience
> were his work colleagues who he had told about Odia Wikipedia.)  He talked
> briefly about Wikipedia, five pillars and policies. Then there was a
> demonstration session on how to edit Odia Wikipedia. One of the attendees
> was called up to create his own account and then Mrutyunjaya demonstrated
> basics of editing by interacting with the audience.  Once we had shown
> everyone this, we invited those who were interested to stay for a more
> detailed and hands-on editing to stay, and told everyone else they were
> free to leave.  A few of the audience left the lab, and the remaining 9
> created their user accounts. 4 of the new wikipedians have made small but
> significant edits.
> *Challenges & Solutions*
>   - An issue that was faced was that newbies initially had problems typing
>   in Odia.  We requested the newbies to check the *Typing
> Help*<> page
>   to understand the key combination. Mrutyunjaya explained how they can
>   improve by gradual exercise, using the "Show Preview" option and that
>   making corrections is allowed on Wikipedia.
> *Next Steps*
>   - Mrutyunjaya will personally interact with the new editors, either
>   1-on-1 or in groups to give them more support on editing and to address
>   doubts
>   - Mrutyunjaya could conduct more physical meetups in Anugul where help
>   more newbies with editing
> *Lessons*
>   - Mrutyunjaya's initiative to reach out to his colleagues and friends to
>   introduce them to Odia Wikipedia and to encourage them to learn about
>   editing by attending the session is really interesting because it increases
>   the chances of like-minded folks attending outreach sessions.
>   - When we do outreach sessions, it will be nice to share a small note
>   about the session (with some useful links) beforehand - so that interested
>   participants can read up and be more aware even before the session starts.
>   - The idea of splitting the outreach session is very good because it
>   allowed only the most committed to stay and allowed us to give them much
>   better training.
> *Odia Wikipedia (Medical) Editing Workshop - Cuttack - March 31*
> *Summary*
> A outreach session was organized in SCB Medical College, Cuttack - to try
> and get newbies to join Odia Wikipedia community, and specifically to
> support the *WikiProject Medicine
> <>* (where
> we are trying get the top 70-80 health related articles created in Odia
> Wikipedia.  21 Medical students attended the session which was attended by
> Odia Wikipedians
> Jnanaranjan<>,
> Srikant Kedia, Kamalakanta & Subha. Jnananranjan explained briefly about
> basics of Wikipedia. One of the student newbies was invited to create a
> username. Students were called for demonstration editing. 4[1] of them
> created usernames. Subha talked briefly about the *WikiProject
> Medicine*<> and
> aim of the project. Student participants had queries about authenticity of
> articles, automatic translations, etc.
> *Challenges & Solutions*
>   - Some of the medical students asked questions like "How will editing
>   Odia Wikipedia help for our career?" or "What I will gain from editing
>   Wikipedia?"  These are standard questions that we all get and we answered
>   them by telling them about how it will help their understanding of their
>   subjects, will improve their writing skills, give them a larger audience
>   for their work, improve their research skills and because it is so much
>   fun!  We also spoke about the social benefits of a project like medical
>   articles on Odia Wikipedia and the social.
>   - Lack of computers resulted in a more theoretical discussion rather
>   than a practical editing.
> *Next Steps*
>   - A proper editing workshop will be organized after the exams are over
>   (in a month) where the students who have attended this session could learn
>   more and do live editing. Local Odia Wikipedians will support them.  This
>   time, we will figure out how to make sure that everyone who attends has
>   access to a computer.
>   - Emails with quick instructions will be send on 4th April to the
>   students with specific links to encourage working on various articles from
>   the project page.
>   - Welcome messages have been left on the talk pages of all new editors,
>   and community members will stay in touch with them.
> *Lessons*
>   - The idea of doing outreach in medical colleges to support the Medicine
>   project is very interesting and should be pursued.  Many times, we conduct
>   outreach sessions but we leave it completely open to newbies to figure out
>   what that they want to edit.  Some times this works, but many times, they
>   are just lost about what to edit.  An idea of doing an outreach session to
>   encourage them to edit a particular set of projects has a lot of potential.
>   - Also, since they are joining a WikiProject straight away, there will
>   hopefully be greater changes of interactions with existing community
>   members so that the newbies can build relationships and get support.
>   - This session was not adequately planned and even though 21 students
>   attended - which is great (!) - it was all last minute.  Going forward, we
>   should try and plan these sessions with more time and get interested
>   participants more aware by sending brief write-ups about Odia Wikipedia and
>   the purpose & benefits of attending the outreach session.
>   - Lastly, getting everyone to have computers or laptops is a must.  Even
>   if everyone does not have a laptop, we must encourage newbies to come up
>   and create accounts and do live edits.  Otherwise, it is just theory,
>   theory, theory.
> *Odia Wikipedia Editing Workshop - Bhubaneswar - April 1*
> *Summary*
> This workshop was conducted on April 1 - which happens to be the Odisha day
> (or the foundation day of Odisha). It was attended by 20 newbies. The
> workshop started with a formal inauguration and opening talk about Odisha
> day by Manoranjan <> . Then Odia
> Wikipedian Mrutyunjay Kar <> presented
> and explained the "Basics of
> Wikipedia"<>.
> One of the participants were asked to come and create an user account and
> basic editing was demonstrated.  After this, there was a press interaction
> with Kanak TV, MBC TV and STV - 3 local TV channels. There was a 10 minute
> tea break - after which newbies were encouraged to ask questions. Each
> experienced wikipedians were assigned to 2/3 new wikipedians - and they all
> then worked in groups to create their usernames and helped with basic
> editing. 13 participants created their user accounts[1] and of the new
> wikipedians actively edited several articles.[2][3][4]. This also includes
> a very young editor (around 15 years old) who was until then just a reader
> of Odia Wikipedia.  With little guidance he has started contributing to
> several articles. [5] (His father later got in touch with the organisers
> and thanked them for helping his son get excited by typing in Odia!)
> *Challenges & Solutions*
>   - Most of the newbies had an initial struggle because fo lack of
>   experience in typing in Odia. We requested the newbies to check the *Typing
>   Help* <> page to understand
>   the key combination. Mrutyunjaya explained how they can improve by gradual
>   exercise, using the "Show Preview" option and that making corrections is
>   allowed on Wikipedia.  They were also pointed to the page in the physical
>   FAQ Booklet page for guidance.
>   - Many newbies were still on Windows XP - so community members had to
>   fix the font related issues.*
>   *
> *Next Steps*
>   - Emails will be sent to all those who attended with instructions for
>   further editing by local Odia Wikipedians who conducted the sesssions.
>    Odia Wikipedians will try to stay in touch through regular talk page
>   messages with all those who created user accounts.
>   - We will also connect with the participants by creating a facebook
>   group so that it is easier for them to ask questions and feel part of a
>   community, in a more casual setting like facebook.
> *Lessons*
>   - More focus on editing during outreach sessions instead of just talking
>   randomly about Wikipedia - and giving individual attention to newbies
>   during the session.
>   - It is really important to focus on how handholding of newbies will
>   happen after the outreach session, instead of just leaving them all alone.
> *Notes*
>   1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 New Username
> creations<>
>   2. ↑ 
> User:Errajkishor<>
>   3. ↑ User:Arup
> Samal<>
>   4. ↑ 
> User:Ucsahoo<>
>   5. ↑ 
> User:Saileshpat<>
> *Odia Wikipedia Community Meet-Up - Bhubaneswar - April 1**Summary*
> The community meetup was held up to brainstorm about how to build the Odia
> wiki community and to identify issues & solutions that community members
> were facing.  We also wanted to celebrate sucesses and have some fun!
> Despite several physical outreach events, Odia Wikipedia Community is still
> lagging behind in getting newbies to join and stay in the community.
> However, there are many examples of better results from successful turn up
> from online outreach programs.
> As the community is very small, the biggest idea we discussed is how to do
> more effective online outreach.  (There are several examples of newbies
> joining due to online outreach - such as Suratha [1], Chinmaya Dash[2],
> Manoranjan [3], Prasanta Bhunya [4] - who are all active editors now.  Subha
> had shared his experiences of reaching out to folks on facebook who were
> writing in Odia and introducing them to Odia Wikipedia and then giving them
> online editing advice as well as sharing tips and useful links.)
> *Next Steps*
>   - The Facebook group <> will be used
>   more effectively to bring more new editors.  It was emphasised that
>   facebook would be used only as an online gateway for Wikipedia related
>   discussions and only to invite newbies to Wikipedia. Wikipedia discussions
>   must always happen on village pumps and talk pages only.  Newbies will be
>   encouraged to have all wiki discussions on wiki itself, as soon as possible
>   - Noopur will be asked to provide support on facebook by providing
>   advice and tips on how to use facebook most effectively, and working
>   closely with interested community members.
>   - On-line chatting - where experienced Odia Wikipeidans could help out
>   newbies to learn editing - will be made more frequent.
>   - Standard presentations/tools in Odia will be prepared that can be used
>   for online outreach (presentations, pdf cheatsheets, transliteration
>   Roman-Odia Key combinations, revised FAQ booklet, etc.)
>   - Chatasabha <>, a platform for
>   inviting newbies by answering their questions through an easy-to-find tab
>   Odia Wikipedia homepage was shared - and it was agreed to use this for
>   newbie interaction and support.
>   - It is really important to improve collaboration and Wikiprojects are a
>   really great way of doing this.
> User:Shisir_1945<>
>    started WikiProject
> Science<>.
>     On Wikiprojects, it is important to divide tasks based on time
>   availability and personal interests so that there is better coordination
>   and motivation.
> *Challenges & Solutions*
>   - The available documents which community members share with newbies
>   have too much text and they need to be simplified and illustrated with
>   screenshots and How-To's.
>   - Mrutyunjay asked what was the best way to answer questions like what
>   will people gain from contributing to Odia Wikipedia, as well as the
>   reducing level of interest in local languages.  It was suggested that
>   a limited, interested bunch of people should be targeted for outreach - and
>   if we invest time in the most committed and motivated, we will get enough
>   people who have the right mindset and abilites.
>   - The fact that Odia Wikipedia is not too well known was discussed and
>   it was agreed to try and build contacts so that the message can be spread
>    (via web, print and other media) about the project and the community.
>    Also, the message should include the fact that People still are unaware of
>   its existence and the fact "They can also edit Wikipedia".
>   - The current typing tool has some issues which need rectification.
> *Lessons*
>   - This was a really useful meetup - and there were 3 reasons for it.
>    Firstly, everyone was encouraged talk.  Secondly, there was a specific
>   agenda that everyone stuck to.  Thirldy - we had FUN!
>   - After meetups, it is important that there are clear plans of action -
>   and each individual community member knows exactly what he or she is going
>   to be doing. Experienced editors should focus community building and not
>   only on individual editing.  This includes outreach sessions, hand-holding
>   newbies and starting / managing Wikiprojects.
> *Notes*
>   1. ↑ 
> User:ସୁରଥ_କୁମାର_ପାଢ଼ୀ<>
>   2. ↑ User:ଚିନ୍ମୟ
> ଦାଶ<>
>   3. ↑ 
> User:ManXiii<>
>   4. ↑ 
> User:Prasantabhunya<>
> Thanks and regards
> Mrutyunjay Kar
> Jnanaranjan Sahu
> Manoranjan Behera
> -- 
> ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ ସହ
> ମୃତ୍ୟୁଞ୍ଜୟ କର
> Odia Wikipedian
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