I think that's a brilliant idea Ravi. In addition to all these
points you have added it also brings stability and openness to the

On Fri, 11 Jan 2013 14:34:23 +0530, Ravishankar wrote: 

> I was browsing through
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias [1] and found the
number of admin users across Indic Wikipedias very low. 
> Hindi has
only 4, followed by Bengali and Marathi with 10 and Telugu and Malayalam
with 18. 
> If you discount the inactive admin users, the count can
be very low to maintain the quality.
> In Tamil Wikipedia, we make
sure to run admin elections regularly. We choose around 4 admins every
year and don't hesitate to nominate promising newcomers. This helps to
share work load, give a break for wikiholics and provide a sense of
belonging for the whole community. In the beginning days, most of the
founding members got admin access within few weeks of meaningful
contribution and this good will has never failed. 
> Unless there are
other compelling reasons for this low count of admin users, I urge every
community to nominate / self-nominate good contributors and make them
> Ravi


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