On 15-May-2013, at 11:27 AM, sankarshan wrote:

>> [2013-05-13 21:38:38] <Nitika> @Vishnu - I think Abhinav is refering
>> to create a Wiki community within an educational institue similar to
>> to a wiki community in a city.
> Wasn't this approach tried earlier? To be able to build and sustain a
> community within an educational institute the minimum requirements
> would be the definition of why there will be contributions, who will
> coach the first set of members of the community and, how much
> oversight the process will have in terms of points that can be
> measured.

Dear Sankarshan,

Yes, we have tried building communities in educational institutes before. But I 
guess what Abhinav is suggesting is a little different from our what has 
already been tried. Please give us sometime -  I'll work with him to build on a 
design based on his ideas and more. We'll share with you a draft as soon as we 
have something substantial.

Nitika Tandon

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