It is widely covered in vernacular press

This is one among the english reports

I think it may be relevant to share the context of this too . This may be
helpful and useful for other wikisource communities. I am part of the
Organizing Team and our organization , Swathanthra Malayalam Computing is
one of the partners for this

1. Unlike Latin based languages , Most of the Indian languages does not
have a functional OCR solution. So for us  the digitalising means typing
the pages and proofreading them .
2. Even though there are many state run institutions and libraries are
engaged in scanning books for their digitization , The public domain works
are not available in most cases . Initiatives like GLAM  s not much suited
for small librarys and state institutions.
3. In short the absence / Way to thank library for preserving books  till
they release under public domain  with proper media attention becomes a
difficult task . This program experimenting a way to thank Govt institution
named Keral Sahithya academi  via media attention for preserving and
donating the public domain copies to many books to wikisource .
4.Wikisource can be used as a way of training new users to familiarize with
mediawiki and wikisyntax . A Typing+proofreading competition with declared
prizes anyway attracts more users and attention . within first 5 days 80+
new contributors and 798 pages added to Malayalam wikisource
5. We Succeeded in getting IT@School program of Govt of Kerala as an
official partner and created a seperate competition for schools . So
Students under the guidance of teachers can involve in  Malayalam
wikisource and get exposure for wikimedia projects
 6. This helps in building more references for wikipedia articles . This is
an important concern for many languages without much digital archives

Thanks to Vishnu , Director of CIS-A2K for initially coming up with an idea
of running a proofreading contest in malayalam wikipedia by offering some
Devices . This helped us to start exploring the possibilities and expanding
the program with more partners .

In last October Malayalam wikisource community released a 2.0 version of
its offline CD  . This is the next major endeavour

~ regards
Anivar Aravind

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 5:45 PM, Andrea Zanni <>wrote:

> That is an amazing news, Manoj,
> good job!
> Also, think about writing a blog post for the Wikimedia blog:
> they are always interested in hosting news a about Wikisources all around
> the world.
> Aubrey
> On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 7:13 PM, Jayanta Nath <> wrote:
>> Keep it up Manoj , it's a great initiatives. We shall try the same for
>> Bengali wiki source .
>> Jayanta
>> On Thursday, January 2, 2014, manoj k wrote:
>>> Dear friends,
>>> New year wishes to all.
>>> Wikisource project, a project of Wikimedia foundation is celebrating
>>> its tenth anniversary. As a part of the decennary celebrations, the
>>> Wikisource projects in various languages all over the world are conducting
>>> competitions that enrich their contents including but not limited to
>>> proof-reading and digitization. Being a part of it, Wikisource's
>>> Malayalam version - Wiki Grandhasala community, a voluntary unit
>>> engaged in collecting and digitizing  valuable Malayalam books of
>>> yesteryears, is organizing a digitization (Typing & Proofreading)
>>> competition, along with various Government as well as 
>>> Non-Governmentestablishments and other voluntary organisations with similar 
>>> interestslike Kerala Sahithya Academy, IT@schoolProject,
>>> Swathanthra Malayalam Computing and Center for  Internet and Society
>>> (CIS-A2K) under the banner of  Malayalam Wiki community.. This
>>> digitisation competition is being conducted as a part of an effort that
>>> collects Malayalam Books whose copyright date has expired in digital form
>>> (in unicode format) preserving the content and makig them more accessible
>>> and popular. The competition lasts for a month, starting on January 1, 2014
>>> and ending on Jan 31, 2014. The competition focuses especiallyindividuals 
>>> and schools andincludes someattractive prizes including E-book readers, 
>>> Tablets and selected books for
>>> those who lead the scoreboard. In this competition, books that was
>>> recently released by Kerala Sahithya Academy to its public collection
>>> will be digitised.
>>> Details of the competition;There are two specific competitions
>>> *Competition for individuals:-*
>>> This competition is for the general public. It includes typing and
>>> proofreading of selected books. The main aim is to attract people who
>>> are active in social media into Wiki Grandhasala activities. Those who
>>> wish to participate in this competition should register before January 31st
>>> 2014. Here are the pages which are to be typed in as part of this
>>> competition.
>>> *Competition for schools:-*
>>> Presently many student groups, through the IT Cell of their respective
>>> schools, participate actively in the Wiki Grandhasala effort. This
>>> version of the competition aims to increase the participation of such
>>> student groups. The idea is to inculcate more love for their mother tongue
>>> among the students. The process also aims at providing awareness out
>>> about such collaborative activities, getting them interested incomputer 
>>> related areas, specifically
>>> Language Computing. Scanned copies of books that are in public domain
>>> will be made available to the respective schools. Under the supervision
>>> of  IT@school coordinators  of each school, students have to type themand 
>>> proof read,which will be added
>>> to Wiki Grandhasala.
>>> The prizes (like E-book readers, Portable scanners) are sponsored by
>>> Center for Internet and Society, Kerala Sahithya Academy and Swathanthra
>>> Malayalam Computing. Also, certificates will be awarded to all students
>>> who participate in the school level competition and IT@schoolcoordinators
>>> ,  for their coordination activities.
>>> Those who wish to sponsor more prizes, and those who wish to 
>>> makescanned/hard copiesbooks in
>>> the public domain availale to Wiki Grandhasala can contact
>>> Project Page:
>>> Facebook event page:
>>> Score Bord :
>>> For Malayalam Wikisource Community
>>> Manoj.K/മനോജ്.കെ
>>> General Convener, Malayalam Wikisource Digitization Contest 2014
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