This might be of interest and worth participation in by the Chapter.

Symposium Objectives
The main symposium objectives are to:
►   Bring together thinkers, scholars and practitioners of photography as
well as the media, museums, social and business institutions, to examine
the   state of ethics and values in photography and to formulate a
voluntary code of ethical conduct for creators and consumers of photographs
►   Promote a rich and open environment in which to discuss these critical
and urgent issues
►   Develop effective strategies to disseminate and implement across India
the outcomes of the symposium.

Symposium Topics:
Relevant research work on all aspects of ethics in relation to photography
including but not limited to:
►  Freedom of Expression
► Censorship
►  Freedom of Information
►  Morals or Ethics?
► Copyright/Copyleft /Creative commons
►  Ethics policies: funding agencies and policy makers
►  Information Law Language, Culture and Ethics Code of conduct
►  Principles and standards of ethical behavior
►  Genres of photography and ethical differences (nature/anthropological /
► Conservation ethics

August 11, 2014
Goethe-lnstitut/ Max Mueller Bhavan 3, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi

best wishes
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