Hi Ravi,

Thanks for asking this question. As I said when we had our IRC
conversation, our understanding with all those we have visited during this
past year has been that we will not do official site reports at this time
beyond a financial review for the Audit Committee, instead creating shared
notes with each organisation that serve as a framework for current and
future work together. We have visited nine organisations (not all of them
full fledged site visits) so far, and believe that this process has helped
us build a much stronger rapport and shared understanding of strategy and

To elaborate on the reasons for doing it this way: for Garfield and me (as
well as other staff and FDC who have accompanied us) the site visit process
is about understanding each organisation's context, leadership, financial
and other systems, effectiveness, program design, execution and so on. But
at the core of it, it's about building trust, and creating a much more
supportive atmosphere in which we can ask tough questions of each other
(yes, we certainly get our share about WMF), at the same time as build a
solid and constructive working relationship together. I know you will
appreciate that in order to do this, we need a level of transparency and
openness between the organisation and the visiting team - so from the start
of the visit, we build our notes together. The organisation is then welcome
to share any portion of these collaboratively created notes with whomever
they'd like to, including community. In turn, our notes are shared
with the FDC,
with a financial report going to the Audit Committee.

To be clear, this past year was new, and an exploration for all of us in
the process: each organisation, WMF staff, the FDC and the community
members we interacted with in the process. During such an evolving process,
it felt unhelpful to create 'official' reports that could undermine the
trust and openness we were seeking to build. In addition, what we did not
want to happen is for issues and conversations to be taken out of context
and for unhelpful and incorrect comparisons to be made between
organisations. It may well be that from next year on, it will feel much
more appropriate and helpful for us to create shared public documentation
with each organisation of our visits, and I'd be happy to do so.

What I think is most useful for all of us right now - and which I intend to
do at the end of this fiscal year - is a 'reflections' document that looks
at the overall trends and learning from all the site visits in a way that
can support movement-wide learning.

I hope this helps,

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Ravishankar <ravidre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any updates on this?
> I asked Anushaya about this during IRC with Indic Wiki IRC in Feb 2014 and
> she said I should ask WMIN and CIS-A2K :)
> //
> Hey,
> Any reports from Wikimedia India chapter / CIS - A2K regarding the plans
> after WMF grants' team visit?
> Thanks,
> Ravi//
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*Anasuya SenguptaSenior Director of GrantmakingWikimedia Foundation*

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