Hi all ,

This is to bring to the attention of the larger Wikimedia Community about
concerns regarding Abhishek Surywanshi’s ( User profile -
)  wikimedia activities and use of movement funds.

While edit counts are not the only way to assess the value of a contributor
and people are encourage to do outreach, I am seeing a clear pattern that
he has been *very active consistently only in offline activities that
involve large scale funds.*

*History of programs or events where he has used or applied to use movement

1)A Travel and Participation grant request for travel to US from India for
Wikimedia Outreach in US -
. The community and EC members of Wikimedia India disapproved of this grant

2)Wikipedia Summit Pune -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Summit_Pune . How much
was spent and how? Where is the expenses report? Following failure to abide
by terms regarding financial transactions, *Wikimedia India banned
supporting him financially and passed a resolution regarding this.* ( As
per http://wiki.wikimedia.in/Talk:Grants/WikiConnect_Pilot_-_January_2015 )

3)Various (mostly flight) travel and stay to many different conferences /
meetups across India in the recent past. Community approval for these are
not clearly seen.
       *Swatantra conference 2014
(On behalf of which community?)
        *India Community Consultation 201 4 -
(Self-nomination (?) on behalf of Hindi Community where he has made 425
Bengali Wikipedia 10 years celebration in Kolkatta during Jan 2015 (On
behalf of which community?)

Following are some of his proposed activities that will need a  grant made
in near future:

1)Wikipedia Summit India in Pune during 2015  -

2)Travel and participation grant request for 1125 US dollars for round trip
travel from Pune to United States for conducting Indic outreach in United
states -

3)WikiConnect - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiConnect - No
idea about the budget. The pilot he is doing in Nashik *needs 6100 INR for
a cake itself *and reimbursement for 15 days of his stay and food.

4)Further outreach in US -

Some of the concerns:

1.He is using and proposes to keep using movement funds in large scale with
questionable impact which are against the learnings already documented at

2.He is *using fictitious and misleading titles like Ambassador, Wikipedia*
to establish non-transparent relationships with numerous organizations in
and outside India -
. This has the risk of damaging goodwill and brand name for Wikipedia.

4)When a current GAC member and former Wikimedia India EC member seeks
details regarding his grant request and reminds the current EC about the
ban, he is hinting legal action against chapter (As per
http://wiki.wikimedia.in/Talk:Grants/WikiConnect_Pilot_-_January_2015 )

As a community member, I request the funding agencies in the movement to
take stock of this situation and implement intense scrutiny for funding
requests with proper evaluation of program design and due process for
having community approval by experienced Wikimedians.

Please donot proceed ahead without community discussion or approval.

Executive decisions circumventing community approval will never help the

-Sibi Kanagaraj
User:Commons Sibi (
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