Hello one & all

We are finally in the last leg of Wiki Loves Food & 10,000+ pictures were
uploaded for the competition.

We have almost finalized the winners, now only thing left is choosing the
Community award

The Community Prize of the photo contest will be decided by Community
members from Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and social media related to
Wikimedia projects which will choose from the top 10 images (apart from the
3 prize winning entries) selected by the official jury.

If you want see more about Wiki Loves Food. you can see this
<https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Food> link.

Top 7 images are selected. & if you want, you can vote in 3 ways

On Wikimedia Commons - here
On facebook - here
will be counted)
& on twiiter - here <https://twitter.com/wikilovesfood>    (retweets will
be counted)

Votes in Commons and engagement in social media will have 50:50 weight to
decide the community award winner.
Voting ends at 27th July 2015 at 18:00

So vote for your favorite image & be part of this wonderful competition
which celebrates the beauty & diversity of Indian Cuisine.

Yohann Thomas
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