*WikiConference India 2016* (WCI 2016) is an outcome of Indic Meetup held
during Wikimania 2015
<https://wikimania2015.wikimedia.org/wiki/Indic_Meetup>. We had a
collective dream to bid for *Wikimania 2019* on behalf of India. If we need
to run a Wikimania successfully, it is time that the Wikimedia community in
India reboots itself and works together towards that. Conducting a
WikiConference India first will be a good start towards achieving that
goal. This will help us assess our strengths and plan accordingly for
Wikimania 2019. This is our bet to prove our unity in diversity.

You can read more about the Conference at the following link:


I would request all of you to sign up after clicking the link below:



Satdeep Gill
(On behalf of Volunteers for WCI 2016)
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