Dear All,

This is to bring you in notice, WMIN and CIS-A2K has recently issued a
joint statement to the Wikiconference India Team. WMIN and CIS-A2K have
together prepared a joint statement which comprises views and concerns of
some of the community members regarding the upcoming conference.

We are happy to let you all know, Wikiconference India Team has provided
the due assurance. WCI team would always remain committed to the stated
objective as mentioned in the joint statement.

Both WMIN and CIS-A2K  encourages  open  discussions, debates and voicing
of opinions. The  present  concerns  of  some community members, hence was
successfully passed and now resolved.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tanveer <>
Date: 2 July 2016 at 23:18
Subject: [WMIN-Exec 17841] Joint Statement from WMIN and A2K regarding WCI
To: Ravi <>, Viswa Prabha <>,,
Cc: A2K <>, Wikimedia India EC <>

Dear Ravi, Satdeep and Viswa,

Greetings from CIS-A2K,

A2K team members had the chance of meeting WMIN EC representatives
recently. During the discussion it was decided that WMIN and A2K team
members would propose an inclusive policy that shall provide
representation to all the Indic language Wikimedia communities.

Please find attached a joint statement regarding the same. We hope that
the organising committee of WCI 2016 will take our concerns into

Do, let us know if we can be of any help.

Tanveer Hasan
Programme Officer
Access to Knowledge
The Centre for Internet and Society

Wikimedia-IN-Exec mailing list

Srivastava Abhinav
Executive Committee Member|Wikimedia India
Ph - +91-9711739003|Skype: abhinavsrivastava619
Wiki Username - abhinav619

Attachment: JointStatementbyWMINandA2KregardingWCI-2016.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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