Hello All,
I am glad to see too many comments and views, these conversations help
understand and improve upon. Let me be clear that this is purely a {HACK},
this is not official and it's only a hack, a step in AI. Most people have
concern on the following issue

*Privacy* - If some one wants to use such feature app need image to train
the model (AI Model), which is store in encrypted blob format (image not
visible to anyone, If any one want to use such feature then he have to use
under CC License)

*@Benjamin Lees : *Its secure! its not simply you show {X} Image to camera
and simply login to his account. What face technique I am using same technique
using in payment industry.

*@**Winged Blades : *Very soon I will share source code and blog, I hope
you will get you all answer.

@*Subhashish Panigrahi : *I went though all your comments, If some one want
to use such feature then he have to use under CC licence.
If you more doubt will discuss on phone/email.

Thanks & Regards

Santosh Shingare,
Executive member, Wikimedia India Chapter
+91 9890984632
Skype: cherishsantosh |  http://wiki.wikimedia.in

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 7:01 PM Winged Blades <wbgod...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What Subhasish says. I don't have remote expectations of this getting
> cleared by Legal or by the community and oppose the proposals very strongly
> ....
> Also, the algorithm used in OpenCV is quite backdated, and is quite
> susceptible to false positives.
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 2:47 PM Subhashish Panigrahi <psubhash...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Santosh - how valuable it might be, I am unable to understand how this is
>> relevant to Wikimedia projects. Maybe you could elaborate on anything that
>> is not obvious. Also, face recognition leads to the questions related to
>> questions on privacy, personal data collection, and even surveillance. For
>> instance, there is a huge debate going on about the potential issues
>> related to the face recognition based security gates that have recently
>> been installed in several Indian airports. Face recognition for logging
>> into Wikimedia projects might just open a pandora's box as the anonymity of
>> contributors is core to Wikimedia projects. I am not sure if there is any
>> discussion that exists anywhere about even adding a test project but I'd
>> highly discourage biometric-based authentication. I think this community
>> and probably the foundation does not have the legal, technical and other
>> infrastructure that is required to manage a few hundred thousand personal
>> data including biometric data as the latter is extremely vulnerable. Any
>> data breach could cost lives. Many of our community members work in regions
>> with geopolitical conflicts and biometric data tied to one's Wikimedia
>> contribution could potentially lead to danger to their lives. Similarly,
>> there is not enough education about individual privacy and biometric data
>> collection which is why many online users, out of ignorance, end up sharing
>> their private details online. The more the personal data collection options
>> on a platform, the more the risk of that data being leaked and misutilised.
>> No offense to the hard work, but {{STRONGLY DISAGREE}} for any such
>> projects even on an experimental basis.
>> S
>> On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 4:37 PM Santosh Shingare <cherishsant...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Wikimedian,
>>> 3D face recognition has become a trending research direction in both
>>> industry and academia. Using your face to authorize to unlock your phone is
>>> popular, but on the web it has not been seen a lot, maybe because it’s not
>>> trivial to implement. Is it possible to implement face verification using
>>> just HTML5, Javascript and some Go? Yes! I did it in an hour using
>>> Javascript, Nodejs, and OpenCV for wikipedia login.
>>> I Implemented face recognition and web login for wikipedia. Please check
>>> following video and screenshots. Very soon I will share code on Github.
>>>    -
>>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Web_login_with_face_recognition.webm
>>>    -
>>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Web_login_with_face_recognition_login.png
>>>    -
>>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Web_login_with_face_recognition_and_detection.png
>>>    -
>>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Web_login_with_face_recognition_and_detection_works.png
>>> Feel free to revert if you have any question.
>>> Thanks & Regards
>>> Santosh Shingare,
>>> Executive member, Wikimedia India Chapter
>>> +91 9890984632
>>> Skype: cherishsantosh |  http://wiki.wikimedia.in
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