Hello all,

As you know, Google and Wikimedia Foundation collaborated to work on
bridging the knowledge gap, and support the growth of Indic language
Wikipedias through Project Tiger.  The effort started in 2018, with the
first Tiger pilot, and continues with running the current Tiger 2.0. As
part of Project Tiger 1.0 pilot, 50 Chromebooks, and internet stipends,
were given as support to experienced and deserving Wikimedians, in order to
help eliminate any obstacles that editors may face due to technology or
resources.   As part of the community consultation carried out to evaluate
the Tiger pilot, and to better inform the planning of Tiger 2.0, one
community feedback was about Chromebooks and their usability, and the fact
that using laptop machines, would have been a better option. As per
community feedback, Chromebooks haven't been the most efficient or most
familiar to communities, and so exploring the purchase of laptop devices
has been considered, as an adaptation and localization, for Tiger 2.0.  The
India pilot consultation informed the decision of hardware support for
Tiger 2.0 in India, and was also inspiring to focus on local community
preferences and adaptations in different countries where the overall project
GLOW <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Project_GLOW> is running. Hence this
year, Wikimedians selected for support, (which was initially named
Chromebook support) will get ACER laptops, to help them quickly start
editing, instead of investing time, while onboarding a new device.We hope
it will be more efficient for Wikipedians. Moving forward, we will get more
effective feedback or suggestions from communities about important aspects.
Communities’ responses are most important for growing a movement. As
mentioned, different countries and communities running GLOW, are as well
making their localized decisions about the best hardware support to provide
to the community, so that GLOW support is more relevant.

Our sincere apologies as the process is getting late but the hardware
support will be provided soon.
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