2009/3/18 Steve Bowbrick <steve.bowbr...@bbc.co.uk>:
> Hi everyone,
> This is my first post here. I've been responsible for some discussion at
> the BBC about a possible contribution to the Wikipedia project from the
> BBC - I think it's come up on the list too. There's no hard proposal or
> plan, just an ongoing discussion of the appropriate relationship of a
> national public service content creator and the leading free knowledge
> source on the net.

Does it include anyone who knows about the dirac codec? Medium term
that is something wikipedia is going to be looking to use.

> There's been some discussion of a 'BBC Wikipedia Club' for wannabe
> contributors/editors who work at the BBC, about more formally gifting
> content to Wikipedia and - more ambitiously - about hiring a 'Social
> Media Editor' to manage the corporation's relationship with Wikipedia
> and other open media sources.

People trying to manage their relationship with wikipedia is the kind
of thing that gets wikipedians paranoid.


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