
Here are some more details about the chapter's AGM coming up next Sunday in 
Manchester. Included below are further details of the venue, the agenda and the 
speakers. If you have any queries please email us at 
or reply to this message. 


The Board 
Wikimedia UK 

Wikimedia UK is the operating name of Wiki UK Limited. 
Wiki UK Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, 
Registered No. 6741827. 
The Registered Office is at 23 Cartwright Way, Nottingham, NG9 1RL, United 



The AGM will be held in Kro-Bar, 325 Oxford Road, opposite the main entrance to 
Manchester University Students' Union. We will be upstairs in the Matlock 
Rooms. Directions to kro-bar are at [1] and their website for more information 
is at [2]. Full address in at [3]. Downstairs will be open from 10:30 in the 
morning to 10:30 at night for anyone wanting to eat or drink before or after 
the AGM. 

[3] Kro Bar, 325 Oxford Rd., Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester, M13 9PG 



We are pleased to share the details of our four speakers who will be leading 
the discussions from 2pm to 3pm on the future plans of Wikimedia UK. They are: 

Rufus Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation 

The Open Knowledge Foundation is one of the UK's leading non-profit 
organisations promoting free content. OKF run an annual Open Knowledge 
Conference in London which bring together different groups working in the UK on 
open content. Rufus Pollock is a co-founder of OKF who has been a director 
since 2004. 

Jo Seddon, Oxford Wikimania 

Jo Seddon has been one of the leaders of the Oxford bid for Wikimania 2010 - 
the main annual conference for Wikimedia enthusiasts the world over. We will 
know soon whether or not we have won the bid: if we have, Jo will be talking 
about the ways the chapter can support Wikimania and what we can expect in the 
next 18 months. Otherwise, we will be looking into how we can use our 
experience with the bid to put on our own UK conference. 

Steve Bowbrick, BBC 

Steve Bowbrick is the editor of the BBC Radio 4 Blog and Wikipedia enthusiast. 
He will be talking about how the chapter can collaborate with BBC staff. Areas 
of discussion include making the BBC archives more freely available, 
encouraging the BBC to re-use Wikipedia content and encouraging BBC staff to 
get involved with editing Wikipedia. 

At a time when the German Wikimedia chapter has just announced their second 
major free-content release deal - releasing 250,000 images from a Photo 
Museum[1] - the potential of this relationship with our new chapter is very 

[1] For more information on this see

Duncan Harris, Wikipedia for Schools 

Wikipedia for Schools is a long-standing project, based in the UK, re-using 
Wikipedia content. The project creates child-friendly material organised around 
the National Curriculum which teachers can use in their lessons. We are very 
fortunate to have this project based here in the UK and look forward to working 
together in the coming years. More details of the project are shown at [1] 


Each speaker will be talking for around ten minutes and then we will have 20 
minutes at the end for a general roundtable discussion on the subjects 
discussed and the future activities of the chapter. 



The full details of the Agenda are given below: 

1pm: Welcome, refreshments and informal discussions 

1:00pm: Arrival, refreshments, meet & greet and an opportunity for informal 
discussions and people to join the chapter if they haven't already 

1:30pm: Introduction by the secretary, Andrew Turvey, and the Chair, Kwan Ting 

1:35pm: Opportunity for further informal discussions 

2pm: Discussions led by our invited speakers and the Board 

The Chair, Kwan Ting Chan, will introduce each speaker who will talk for around 
ten minutes. After the four speakers, there will be twenty minutes roundtable 

3pm: Formal business of the meeting, including hustings and election of the new 

3:00pm: Coffee break 

3:15pm: Hustings 

Chaired by Kwan Ting Chan, each of the eight candidates for the Board will have 
an opportunity to give a brief speech for no more than two minutes. The floor 
will then be opened to allow members to question the candidates for the 
remainder of the time. 

Copies of candidate statements, the candidate Q&As and ballot papers will be 
available throughout the meeting and members will be able to vote until the 
close of the hustings. 

3:45pm: Resolutions 

Chaired by Kwan Ting Chan, each of the seven Resolutions will be taken in turn. 
Resolutions 1-6a will be proposed by Andrew Turvey, Secretary, and Resolution 7 
will be proposed by Tom Dalton. The proposer may make a short statement of up 
to 1 minute (2 minutes for resolutions 6a and 7 which are contested). The chair 
will invite any member present if they want to speak against the resolution or 
propose an amendment and will give them the same time as the proposers. 

Voting will be by a show of hands, taking care to distinguish between members 
and non-members and not to double count proxy votes already received. If the 
vote is close to the required majority (75% for the Special Resolutions and 50% 
for all others) then a roll call will be taken by the tellers. 

4:15pm: Announcement of the election results 

Following the resolutions, the tellers will announce the results of the Board 

The Annual General Meeting will then close, but people are welcome to stay 
around after for refreshments and informal discussions. 

4:30pm - 6:30pm: The first meeting of the new Board will start immediately 
after the AGM. 

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