2009/5/1 joseph seddon <life_is_bitter_sw...@hotmail.co.uk>:
> Members,
> As many of you may remember, I made a suggestion at the AGM to bring into
> existence an advisory board/commitee of experts to support Wikimedia UK in
> its growth. I feel that this is apllicable even with the larger baord.
> Although the necessity for such a thing may not be right now, it is worth
> discussing. Most organisations have such a board, especially those which are
> volunteer driven. I wrote this on the train, so I don’t have any specific
> url examples for you to see but they aren’t difficult to find.
> What thoughts or comments do you have on this? Method of appointing people?
> Etc etc
> The floor is yours

I would suggest a nominations committee be formed to suggest people to
the board (people not on the committee could send suggestions to the
committee). The committee would gather some names, work out who would
be useful, find out if they were interested and then the board would
pretty much just rubber stamp it. I would suggest a committee of 4
people, with a mixture of board and non-board people.

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