I'm pleased to share with everyone that I've managed to get myself in as a 
speaker in the Open Source Schools "un"conference in Nottingham next Monday 
20th July. Although it's primarily focused on open source software, they have 
agreed to extend it to talking about open source content as well. 

I'll be leading a session from 2:05 - 2:35 on the subject of "using Wikipedia 
in Schools" 

More details are: 

Session introduction: http://opensourceschools.org.uk/node/11659 
Conference programme: http://opensourceschools.org.uk/unconference09 
Venue: http://www.ncsl.org.uk/lcc-map.pdf 

If you are able to come along please do - it runs from 10-4 at a venue near 
Nottingham University. The cost is free for all school and local authority 
staff and presenters and £55 for others. The key note speakers are George 
Auckland , Head of Learning Innovation at BBC Learning and Graham Attwell , 
Director of Pontydysgu , an e-learning company. 

Please spread the word and please let me have any suggestions for the kinds of 
things I should cover. 


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