We're happy to report that Steve Virgin and I have just given our first 
Wikimedia Seminar or "Learning Lunch" to Kaizo, a PR firm in London. The 
reaction was very positive, with a raft of questions that kept us speaking for 
around 90 minutes.

There were some great opportunities discussed regarding their clients. One was 
a publisher who owns an archive of of professional journals going back over 100 
years; we spoke about how a content release deal could fit into a "freemium" 
model and the example of the Saxon State Library experience [1]. Wikimedia 
would benefit from getting great content whilst the client would gain a 
positive image, a raised profile within their specialist community and traffic 
back to their own website where premium content is sold. We're now going to 
work with Kaizo on taking forward these ideas with their clients.

I will upload the presentation we gave to the main Wikimedia presentation site 
[2] and would appreciate any feedback. Plans are in the pipeline for further 
seminars at, among others, BBC Bristol and the Brrism social networking group - 
if you're interested in getting involved in either delivering or writing 
further presentations please get in touch either by replying to me directly or 
adding your details to the speakers page on the wiki. If you've already 
volunteered we haven't forgotten and will be in touch shortly! Travel expenses 
are will be covered by the host organisation. [3] 

These "learning lunches" are one of three main projects that Wikimedia UK are 
focusing on achieving this year - alongside the "Britain Loves Wikipedia" 
museums event next February and the schools project. Alongside these three main 
projects we are also active in responding to various media enquiries, speaking 
to libraries and museums about content release and attending various 
conferences to give the Wikimedia perspective. Let us know if you can help us 
with any of these activities! 

[2] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Presentations/en 
[3] http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Speakers 



Andrew Turvey 
Wikimedia UK 
Wikimedia UK is the operating name of Wiki UK Limited. 
Wiki UK Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, 
Registered No. 6741827. 
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