Now that the annual fundraiser is complete, we have started to decide on the 
main things that the chapter should its money on in the forthcoming year. In 
line with our philosophy of open decision making, the board would like to share 
these proposals with you for feedback and consultation before making any final 
decisions. Please let us know what you think to these ideas, by replying to 
this message, by personal email or by commenting on the wiki page [1] 

We raised around £85,000 in the fundraiser. [2] Of this, half will be remitted 
to the Foundation, subject to legal clearance, which leave us with £42,500 to 
spend on projects, administration and to keep in reserves. We also have the 
remainder of our existing £5,000 start up grant from the Foundation, but that 
money is already earmarked for particular areas. [3] 

Part time Administrator

We are considering employing a part time administrator to assist in the running 
of the chapter. Wikimedia Deutschland have said that they found employing an 
administrator was a significant boost to their chapter's efficiency and we hope 
that we can achieve the same. 

The proposal is to employ someone at £10/hour for 8 hours per week, rising to 
12 hours per week during next year's fundraiser. They would work from home and 
most of their work would be online. Assuming they start work in June that would 
cost a total of £3,122.

Please let us know whether you think in principle we should do this, and if so, 
whether these numbers look sensible.

Admin costs [4]

We have budgeted £6,700 to cover other administrative costs. This includes 
£3,000 for legal fees - including help with our charity status application and 
the Fundraising Agreement - and £1,000 for accounting and audit fees. We have 
also budgeted £500 to pay for travel to a face to face board meeting, which we 
hope will help boost the productivity of the next board.

Full details are:

Annual Accounts: 1,000
Legal advice: 3,000
AGM: 500
In person board meeting: 500
Telephone, postage etc : 200
Insurance: 500(?)
Administrator: 3,122
Other: 1,000
Total: 9,822

Are there any other things we should add, or are there things on this list you 
disagree with?


Now that we have a more secure financial footing, we think it's appropriate to 
start thinking about putting some money aside in reserves, to cover us for 
years when we have lower that expected income. We think £8,000 is a reasonable 
figure, which covers a full year's admin expenses. We would like to build this 
up over two years, putting £4,000 aside from this year's fundraiser and £4,000 
from next year.


This leaves £28,500 to spend on projects this year. Ideas that have been 
proposed included:

Toolserver support

The Wikimedia Toolserver is a platform that hosts various tools that are used 
on the Wikimedia projects, including vital counter-vandalism bots. The 
toolserver is operated by Wikimedia Deutschland eV with assistance from the 
Wikimedia Foundation. [5]

WMDE has recently asked other chapters if they could assist in financing and 
operating the toolserver. The annual budget is around €100,000 and they would 
like other chapters to cover around half of the budget - €50,000. In addition, 
there has been some discussion around setting up some kind of Toolserver 
Association, to operate the toolserver, with the contributing chapters as 
shareholders. The timetable for this is likely to be around August 2010 before 
it is established.

Figures that have been discussed by the board range from £5,000 to £10,000. 
Exact details of how we would contribute - a donation to WMDE earmarked for the 
toolserver, a donation earmarked to a particular expense or waiting and then 
contributing to the Toolserver Association has not been decided.

Do you think this would be a worthwhile contribution to make and, if so, how 
much do you think would be appropriate?

Wikimedia Usability Initiative

Individual board members have discussed various ideas with the Usability 
Initiative, the team that is working on improving the Wikimedia interfaces. [6] 
As part of their work they have generated a list of discrete projects that 
would all have a significant positive impact on Wikimedia and do not currently 
have sufficient funding. If we give them a budget they would be able to provide 
a selection of potential projects, and we could then choose to fund one of 
these, potentially one that linked in with a particular interest of the 
chapter. This proposal was discussed by the board back in October, when it was 
positively received, with further action deferred until after the Fundraiser. 

It's been proposed that we budget £10,000 to fund a project drawn up by the 
Usability Initiative. 

Do you think this would be a worthwhile project and, if so, how much do you 
think would be appropriate?


We have discussed organising a GLAM-WIKI (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, 
Museums & Wikimedia) conference in the UK, along the lines of the conference in 
Australia in August 2009. [8] We have had tentative discussions with museums 
who would be interested and may be able to arrange it for August 2010. The 
purpose of the conference is to bring key decision makers in the "GLAM" sector 
into contact with Wikimedia people to persuade them to partner with us on 
content donation, partnerships like Britain Loves Wikipedia and other ways we 
can help each other achieve our aims.

Costs are expected to be in the region of £5,000, of which some or all may be 
funded by the GLAM partners or through sponsorship.

Do you think this is a worthwhile use of our resources?

Other projects

Other projects that have been proposed, but not yet discussed by the board, in 
connection with the 2010 Budget include:

£1,000 for a microgrant project, along the lines of Wikimedia Poland's scheme 
£1,000 to sponsor Wikimedians to attend Wikimania Gdansk 2010 [10]
£500 to fund travel to museums etc for discussions on content access
£500 to assist in the development of Wikimeets
£300 to pay for members to attend free content conference [11]
£340 to fund preliminary work on Wikimania Manchester 2013 [12]

Do you think these are worthwhile things to spend our money on? Is there 
anything else you think should be added to the list?

If you've managed to read this far then I'm impressed and thank you! All 
comments are gratefully received whether on our general approach or on 

We look forward to hearing your ideas!


Andrew Turvey 
Wikimedia UK 
Wikimedia UK is the operating name of Wiki UK Limited. 
Wiki UK Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, 
Registered No. 6741827. 
The Registered Office is at 23 Cartwright Way, Nottingham, NG9 1RL, United 

[11] See list at

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