On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 13:44, Alex Stinson <stins...@dukes.jmu.edu> wrote:
> Well, one way to spend money in order to directly support the UK community's
> goals would be, once you have a chapter manager, to hire an agency or
> contractor to run an awareness campaign (Posters at public transportation
> outlets, radio and telivision ads, etc.) to get other people to contribute
> in Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects and get the face of the community out
> there, like Wikimedia Deutschland did.

I'm not wild about ads aimed at the general public on TV or billboards
etc. I think we might consider more niche audiences. If we wanted to
target photographers to get them to contribute to Commons, maybe an ad
in Amateur Photographer or similar outlets could work.

As part of an upcoming GLAM event, we have been trying to find people
who are interested in doing translation work into any of the languages
of India (Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu etc.). If ensuring that
Wikimedia UK doesn't end up being 'Wikimedia British English' were
considered an important goal, perhaps we could attempt small-scale
advertising (maybe £500 a pop) in magazines read by multilingual

Advertising doesn't mean putting a big TV advert up in the middle of
Coronation Street. It can be aimed towards a very niche set of
participants we want to draw in, perhaps to rectify systemic bias

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Countering_systemic_bias

Tom Morris

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