On Wednesday, 21 March 2012 at 10:41, Jon Davies wrote:
> There are 114 very detailed questions (reminds me of a nightmare
> before finals)- we will be offering a broad brush answer.
> Quoting Gordon Joly <gordon.j...@pobox.com (mailto:gordon.j...@pobox.com)>:
> > Does a response need to reference the question numbers in the
> > consultation document?

Well, there's no need to answer all questions: I've participated in government 
consultations before and only answered questions that are appropriate to 
answer. On an purely logical basis, if you take a position on some matter, that 
makes some of the questions asked irrelevant. "N/A" or "I/We take no position 
on this matter." or leaving it blank is just fine.

Indeed, we shouldn't be answering sections of the consultation unless they have 
direct bearing on the mission and running of the Wikimedia projects. 

Tom Morris

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