Excellent stuff. I've just been in touch with their Business Development Manager who is going to pop over to the office next week. If anyone has any questions they'd like me to put to him please do let me know.



On 11/04/2012 17:40, steve virgin wrote:

And I am close to people at UWE at Pro-Vice Chancellor level, lecturer level

So I'd be happy to help anyone embarking on this.

Steve V.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stevie Benton [mailto:stevie.ben...@wikimedia.org.uk]
Sent: 11 April 2012 17:30
To: Jon Davies
Cc: office; wikimediauk-l
Subject: Re: Interesting possibilty for WIkimedians?

I note from the web page that one of the partners for this grants programme
is the UWE in Bristol. It's also in support of a BBC series that's in

I think that there's definite potential for projects that some of our
volunteers are working on to get funding here, especially the partnership
that HJ Mitchell and Rock drum have developed with the Herbert Art Gallery&
Museum in Coventry.

I'm good friends with a couple of people at the HLF so I'll have a chat with
them and see if I can get a steer on the kind of things they are
particularly keen to fund.


On 11/04/2012 17:16, Jon Davies wrote:
The Heritage Lottery Fund has launched a new £1m small grants
programme for local history projects. Grants from 3 to 10K. All our
Programme priorities

You can request funding for the following types of activity to explore
and learn about heritage:

Visits to places like historic buildings, landscapes, parks, burial
grounds, museums, archaeological sites or industrial heritage sites
like railways.
Using collections like archives, libraries and museums, including
collections held by people in the community.
Talking to people who know about heritage or holding workshops, talks
and sessions exploring people’s memories.
Recording things like people’s memories or local wildlife; scanning
old photographs and documents; archaeological digs or surveying
historic buildings.

Stevie Benton
Communications Organiser
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0) 20 7065 0993

Stevie Benton
Communications Organiser
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0) 20 7065 0993

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