On 5 May 2012 21:12, HJ Mitchell <hjmitch...@ymail.com> wrote:
> As I think I said somewhere before, there isn't going to be a perfect date.
> So far, the morning after the AGM has more "yes"s than any other date, and
> several of the proposed alternatives clash with meetups/events in Liverpool,
> Monmouth, and Cambridge.

The morning after the AGM has the most yes's, but the morning of the
27th has the most yes's and (yes)'s. There are a lot of people that
have expressed an interest in going that haven't voted yet, so I'd
like to give it another 24 hours before we make a final decision.

I just put every weekend this month (apart from this one) up there. I
know there are clashes (I included the afternoon after the AGM, which
clases with a London meetup, so Liverpool, Monmouth and Cambridge
shouldn't feel that I'm discriminating against them), but I thought it
best to just a wide choice and see what works best for people.

> Being Coventry-based, travelling to one end of the country (Liverpool) and
> travelling to the other end (London) the next day isn't a prospect that
> fills me with joy. I'd do it if I had to to, but holding a meeting on a
> morning when I'm in London and free, and when a lot of other people not
> based in London will be in London because of the AGM makes a lot of sense.

Yes, it does make sense, but there are already 5 people on the talk
page on wiki apologising that they can't make that day and 2 people
that have posted as attending but have said they would much rather it
was on a different day.

> Whatever the date, there are options other than attending in person - I'd be
> quite happy for a handful of people to participate via Skype, any action
> points/decisions will be posted on the UK chapter wiki, and WMUK has the
> technology to webcast it live if there's demand.

Yes, we should try and include people by remote as much as possible.

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