Received this morning.

Dear stakeholder,

We're writing to inform you that on Thursday 14 June 2012, the Government
published a summary of the responses it received during its consultation on
Copyright. The Government received 471 responses from interested parties.

The summary document is accessible via the Intellectual Property Office
website, found here:

This document is a summary of what respondents to the Consultation have
said on each of the proposals. It is a purely factual document, and does
not contain any policy decisions or announcements.

Decisions as a result of the consultation will be announced as soon as

The Government had planned to publish the full set of responses alongside
its summary. However, in the course of reviewing the responses received, it
has become clear that a number of respondents have advanced criticisms of
the activities of others in the sector, and the Government is reviewing the
submissions to establish there is no potentially defamatory material in
anything it may publish.  Once these issues are resolved the Government
will publish as many responses as it is able to do without the risk of
legal recourse.

The Government would like to thank you, and all those who took the time to
contribute to the Consultation.

Copyright Consultation Team
Intellectual Property Office

*Jon Davies - Chief Executive Wikimedia UK*.  Mobile (0044) 7803 505 169
tweet @jonatreesdavies

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