On 06/08/12 20:55, Chris Keating wrote:

All trustees record any relevant interests in public and recuse themselves from discussions where there are any conflicts of interest. This is in line with Charity Commission guidance.

I am not sure there is any more to say on the matter.

Chair, Wikimedia UK
Thanks Chris.

I read the documentation.


SORP is your friend, it would seem.

E12. Must these payments be mentioned in the charity's accounts?

The short answer

Yes, in the case of accounts prepared on an accruals basis - in other words, charitable companies and those other types of charity with a gross yearly income of more than £250,000.

In more detail

Under the SORP 2005 accounting framework, charities that prepare their accounts on an accruals basis must give details of payments and other benefits to charity trustees and connected persons - including family members and businesses. They are also required to say under what legal authority the payment is made, together with the reason for it.

Although there is strictly speaking no need for this in the case of charities that prepare accounts on a receipts and payments basis, we recommend, as best practice and to enhance transparency, that similar details are provided. This can help protect trustees from accusations that they are benefiting in some hidden way.


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