----- Original Message -----
> From: "Doug Weller" <dougwel...@gmail.com>
> To: "UK Wikimedia mailing list" <wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
> Sent: Sunday, 30 September, 2012 6:35:55 AM
> Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] WMUK board election process
> Thank you for this. From my viewpoint your explanation (with which I
> agree) is a strong arugment for STV.

>From my own experience, I would note that whilst STV is perfect for electing a 
>single person it is very far from acceptable when electing a number of people 
>because of the requirement to survive the first round of analysis. If someone 
>has minimal support as a first choice but very wide support as a second or 
>third choice they may be ejected before that wide support can be accounted 
>for, especially if one candidate in the first round takes 80% or so of the 
>first choices (making their distributed partial second preferences far 
>'stronger', in effect.) I have seen almost entire committees wiped out in this 
>way despite - once you looked at the lower-preference votes - them retaining 
>wide support. STV really isn't up to the job.

Approval voting, whilst itself not perfect, does far better at selecting for a 
number of positions.


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