On 18/10/12 00:11, Alison M. Wheeler wrote:

I just checked wherehttp://geoiplookup.wikimedia.org/  believes my (fixed) IP addresses 
are. "Truro" is the response! (I'm actually just north of London). Geolocation 
has been something of an interest of mine for a few years and whilst sub-country details 
can be good in, for example, the USA, it is poor to useless in the UK (and thus something 
I am working on improving). Some GeoIP services are more accurate for me. IPv6, btw, will 
make the issue more difficult initially, primarily because of the use of tunneling.

Indeed. I once suggested the multicast (Class D IP addressing) might help with issuing geonotices. But I am told that multicast is not longer tied to geographic location, or location as measured by TTL (time to live) or hops in the network.


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