On 9 February 2013 18:39, Tom Morris <t...@tommorris.org> wrote:

> Now this has been transferred to Wikimedia UK, would it be possible to
> remove the access logging on QRpedia to ensure it complies with both the
> letter and spirit of the WMF privacy policy.
> I am happy to provide a simple patch to this end as well as a code
> checkover.
> It may be sensible to run QRpedia code through WMF formal code review for
> security checking.

+1 - the WMF privacy rules are harsh compared to many, but readers
love them so much they're actually a pretty good model, and I'd like
to talk e.g. the RationalWiki Foundation into formally adopting them
(we use them informally for a lot of stuff though not all). So this
should be considered a useful thing to do that users will love :-)

- d.

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