On 15 February 2014 20:24, Michael Peel <michael.p...@manchester.ac.uk> wrote:

> Perhaps it would be worth WMUK thinking about purchasing such equipment, 
> either to be made available in the office (which would then require travel 
> costs, or postal costs and volunteer time in the office to scan posted 
> material in), or to be sent around to interested volunteers?
> Of course, both purchase and maintenance costs should be thought about here, 
> both for the machine itself and for the equipment that’s needed to interface 
> with it, and also insurance costs... Depending on demand and durability, that 
> may or may not make this cost-effective.
> Or maybe there are renting-on-demand options available for equivalent, more 
> recent, equipment that can do the job?
> (It’s not a white elephant so long as the up-front costs turn out to be 
> worthwhile, given that it shouldn't cost much to recycle it if it breaks…)

Hmm. Do we have any vague ideas on numbers?

* How often do we get a reasonable chance at a cache of unscanned negatives?
* How many smaller museums or archives would have unscanned film to
offer in such a case?
* How many people with private collections of negatives that they've
never gotten around to scanning (e.g., me) would suddenly have a huge
pile of stuff to donate to Commons just given the opportunity?

- d.

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