Hi all,

I think I would have agreed with Fae, were it not for the fact that there
is no charge to attend this event. In fact I have contacted Stevie as
regards attending on behalf of WMUK (even though I doubt I have the sort
of charisma that Ed has suggested would be useful). As I now have an over
60s free travel card, there are no implications as regards travel costs.

So bearing in mind the zero impact on the Charities finances, I hope no
one regards my attendance as problematic?

all the best


> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:05:34 +0000
> From: Fæ <fae...@gmail.com>
> To: UK Wikimedia mailing list <wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
> Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Fwd: Invite - Recognising Value and the
>       Sharing Economy
> Message-ID:
>       <CAH7nnD13p5wP5Yds_ioQXgjMKfi-gPHz82DCAN2_44g9=rh...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On 18/03/2014, Stevie Benton <stevie.ben...@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
>> Hello folks.
>> If anyone is interested in the sharing economy, and would like to attend
>> this event, please let me know. We can try and arrange something.
>> Thank you,
>> Stevie
> I am unsure as to why Wikimedia UK would want to promote a
> collaborative commerce conversation (as the LLDC and Echo describe the
> event), rather than ensuring our members and volunteers take part in
> open knowledge conferences and events. This appears to be a
> business/charity networking social of the 'big society' format. Lots
> of people are interested in the issues of the sharing economy (I am an
> active support of freecycling); but this seems a long way from
> Wikimedia projects, if the intention was to pay expenses for someone
> to attend and write a blog post about it.
> If anyone has spare time we have a lot of past GLAM (and University)
> contacts from editathons that could do with practical follow up, or
> support finishing creating articles and making use of media uploads.
> The issue for the backlog of properly completing past projects is
> attracting active and productive volunteers (globally), which seems a
> pressing issue compared to the benefits to the charity of creating a
> bigger list of potential commercial, political and NFP partner
> organizations.
> Fae
> --
> fae...@gmail.com https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Fae

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