You are invited to the Wadewitz-Wollstonecraft Wikipedia editathon for
learning, sharing, editing, tea and (in the evening) dissenting beer. It is
happening all day *this Saturday 31 May* in atmospheric Newington Green,
London N16 9PR, and forms one of a worldwide series of
prolific and influential editor Dr Adrianne
(User:Wadewitz <>), who died
suddenly last month.

Her work is recognized internationally as helping to encourage more women
to contribute to Wikipedia to tackle the gender gap and systemic bias.
Wadewitz was one of the first academics to bring Wikipedia into the
classroom as part of the Wikipedia Education Program, working with her
students to improve Wikipedia instead of writing traditional essays. She
had over 50,000 edits and wrote numerous featured and good articles,
including Mary 
author of *A Vindication of the Rights of Woman*. Wadewitz was a scholar of
eighteenth-century British literature, and yet this is the first tribute to
her in Britain (hence the somewhat rushed timescale).

Wollstonecraft is the nominal theme of the day, in that the editathon will
take place in the Mary Wollstonecraft Room, in Newington Green: a village
when she lived here in the 1780s, but now part of inner London. It is on
the Islington/Hackney border, with plentiful buses and an overground
station. However, any subject you want to work on is fine. Beginners are
very welcome, so please spread the word beyond this mailing list.

Full information
. Feel free to drop in at any point between 10am and 6pm, or meet us in the
Dissenting Academy afterwards for a drink. (Yes, a pub named after an
educational establishment - like Wikipedia, with beer.)

Hope to see some of you there.

Carbon Caryatid <>
Wikimedia UK mailing list

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