On 6 Aug 2014, at 21:15, Charles Matthews <charles.r.matth...@ntlworld.com> 

> On 6 August 2014 20:42, Michael Peel <em...@mikepeel.net> wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> I've left some comments on the talk page. [1]
> I found your comment that Wikimedia UK has been inhibited by "An Animal Farm 
> culture of ‘Volunteers good, staff bad" outrageous. That's never been the 
> case, as is clearly demonstrated by the fact that we have staff rather than 
> being an entirely volunteer-based organisation. Please can you either provide 
> evidence to back up your statement here, or apologise for it.
> Oh, good, a flame war. With a bit of talent and application, it could be made 
> to last to, what, Sunday evening? (Ex-staff being thin on the ground, perhaps 
> this member of that select group can comment that there is at least something 
> in what Jon is pointing to here.)

I'm not interested in a flame war. I'm after clear evidence or an apology, 
nothing more.


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