I've just been told that this was completed overnight.
On 29 Sep 2014 22:46, "Thomas Morton" <morton.tho...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Due to a security vulnerability in Xen, Rackspace are updating all of
> their servers (not just Wikimedia UK’s) which has necessitated a restart of
> all their servers.
> This is currently affecting us; all of our websites and services.
> Service will be resumed as quickly as possible, and I am monitoring (as I
> can) for issues related to the restarts.
> It’s not a brilliant situation, but the host has had no choice because of
> this major vulnerability (affecting many hosting providers).
> Sorry to be brief; handling a whole host of restarts with all my clients
> tonight ;) Any questions, please ask.
> Cheers,
> Tom
> *Sent with Airmail*
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