Will do! It was only confirmed last night :)

On 22 September 2016 at 16:46, <leu...@fabiant.eu> wrote:

> That's great, Lucy.
> Perhaps you could add your session on the WMUK events page.
> all the best
> Fabian
> aka Leutha
> On 22 September 2016 at 10:54 Lucy Crompton-Reid <
> lucy.crompton-r...@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
> Thanks for this Fabian. Hopefully lots of people will sign up to volunteer
> or attend. I will be going to MozFest for the first time this year and am
> very pleased to be speaking on the programme. There will actually be quite
> a few Wikimedia staff there as a number of people will be coming over from
> Germany and I believe Katherine Maher (Wikimedia Foundation ED) will be
> giving a keynote.
> I'm afraid I won't be able to make either of the East London meet ups but I
> look forward to seeing some of you at the end of October!
> Best
> Lucy
> On 22 September 2016 at 10:45, <leu...@fabiant.eu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Last night I went to the first volunteer session for this years Mozfest
> <https://mozillafestival.org/>, October 28-30, 2016, Ravensbourne
> College, London. I rediscovered some of the excitement in the lead up to
> Wikimania 2014 - indeed I saw many familiar faces.
> Mozilla have been very good to the Wikimedia community in the past, I am
> pleased to be part of renewing this friendly relationship. As they are
> still looking for volunteers, I am sending this out to Wikimedians in the
> hope some more of us will get involved and share the Wikimedia approach
> with others at Mozfest. If you are interested in volunteering check the
> Mozfest
> volunteer page <https://mozillafestival.org/volunteer>.
> As the event is taking place in East London, it will be a topic of
> conversation at the East London meetups:
>    - East London Meetup 7
>    <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meetup/East_London/7>: Tuesday 27th
>    September 2016 — 19:30 - 21:00 Canary Wharf: perhaps we can see what
>    strands WMs want to follow up at Mozfest
>    - East London Meetup 8
>    <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meetup/East_London/8>: Tuesday 27th
>    September 2016 — 19:30 - 21:00 Canary Wharf: this will be a Mozfest
>    Fringe
>    event, so it will be an opportunity for Mozfest volunteers to find out
>    a
>    bit more about the Wikimedian community.
> Even if you are not able to commit to Mozfest it would be great to see
> some more faces at the East London Wikimedia meetup.
> all the best
> Fabian
> aka Leutha
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Lucy Crompton-Reid

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+44 (0) 207 065 0991

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