I'd question whether anyone would see the Bugzilla bug without actually
looking, as most people probably won't be seeing any of the emails from it.

Sort of amusingly, that particular issue has its own bug report
<https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org.uk/show_bug.cgi?id=431> which doesn't
appear to have been worked on yet.

-- Lewis Cawte

On Sun, 25 Jun 2017 at 09:22 David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=donate.wikimedia.org.uk&latest
> is as broken as ever and clearly shows the incomplete cert chain
> issue.
> I'm not going to mess around with yet another Bugzilla when what I'm
> reporting on is that I'm trying to give WMUK money and the site's not
> working properly. Y'know, WMUK can either care or not.
> On 25 June 2017 at 07:50, Emmanuel Engelhart
> <emman...@engelhart-software.com> wrote:
> > On 15.06.2017 12:37, Michael Maggs wrote:
> >> This seems to be a really odd and annoying error. I've come across it
> >> several times myself, using Firefox, but this time I had no problems
> >> with the certificate. I'm running Firefox for Mac 53.0.3 on MacOS
> Sierra.
> >>
> >> Michael
> >>
> >>> David Gerard <mailto:dger...@gmail.com>
> >>> 15 June 2017 at 10:28 am
> >>> Just renewed my WMUK membership, and Firefox balked at the SSL
> >>> certificate. The cert doesn't expire until 2019, but Firefox 54
> >>> doesn't like it.
> >>>
> >>> Oddly, Chromium 58 is fine with it.
> >>>
> >>> Can anyone see what's wrong, which CA Firefox doesn't like any more
> etc?
> >
> > @David
> >
> > I had a look and unfortunately I can not reproduce the FF54 specific
> > problem: FF54 reports https://donates.wikimedia.org.uk as a secure
> > connection.
> >
> > Please next time open directly a ticket at
> > https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org.uk/
> >
> > Emmanuel
> >
> > --
> > Emmanuel Engelhart
> > Software Development Expert
> > Zurich, Switzerland
> > +41 797 670 398
> >
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