On the statement 'Welsh Chapels ID', you would expect a person to add the 
specific property, namely 'Wales'. That would have been the correct thing to do.

What you're asking, Andy, is for me to have faith that the person who added 
'UK' did not know that Wales existed? It is very reasonable to assume that a 
French person would have heard of the Welsh National Team, the Welsh National 
Rugby team? The Welsh National Assembly? The National Library of Wales...

If he or she didn't know that Wales is a nation, then why on earth was he /she 
working with 'Welsh Chapels IDs' etc? Surely, others were aware of this?, and 
allowed it to pass by. 

If an user had placed Robert Plant's place of birth as being 'Europe', the 
reasonable thing to do would have been to correct it into the more specific 
'England', and maybe assumed good faith. If this mistake had been done 
thousands of time, at what point would you stop assuming good faith? Commons 
has most Welsh people categorised as being under the general 'UK'; even Wiki 
Loves Monuments did not accept Wales and Scotland as being individual 
countries, and as for enwiki... It happens all the time, uncorrected. The old 
adage still holds true: 'ignorance is not not knowing, but not wanting to know'.

If editors do not know that Wales is a country, a nation, then surely it is our 
responsibility to educate them. It is our moral duty to support diversity and 
the other 287 language wikis by educating people of our own diversity and 
individual countries that form the "UK". And this correction needs to be done 
by all of us, wherever we live, whatever our language, asap. 

PS Andy - my words are not aimed at you, otherwise I would have sent you an 
email, they are aimed at all of our wiki community.


> On 15 December 2017 at 22:00 Andy Mabbett <a...@pigsonthewing.org.uk> wrote:
> On 15 December 2017 at 19:39, Robin Owain <i...@cymruwales.com> wrote:
> > Very, very sad, however, that someone has opted for an union jack / uk 
> > template
> > for properties relevant to the Welsh Nation (see the Talk pages); very 
> > political
> Assume good faith, please. The reason for that was that someone had -
> not unreasonably, in the circumstances - said that the property was
> related to the United Kingdom. Given that those circumstances are that
> they are not a United Kingdom citizen, nor a native English (or Welsh)
> speaker, I don't think that was "very political". And the matter was
> easily rectified, as I see you yourself have done:
> https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Property:P4641&diff=609674520&oldid=609660585
> -- 
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
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