Thanks Stevie. We are trying to work on an integrated communications and
membership strategy to grow the membership further. As always there are
capacity issues as to what we can do with the number of staff and funding
we have, but I am always willing to listen to people's ideas for how we
could reach new people and encourage more membership.

John Lubbock

Communications Coordinator

Wikimedia UK

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On 10 April 2018 at 18:42, Stevie Benton <> wrote:

> Exactly what Katie says. The chapter can't win here. It gets criticised if
> membership doesn't grow because some see it as a kind of failure. Then,
> when the chapter grows its membership it is seen as some kind of entryist
> threat. I find it particularly notable that these criticisms come from the
> same quarters.
> I say well done WMUK for growing the membership and encouraging more
> people to get involved in the free and open movement. Good work.
> Stevie
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 6:31 PM, Katie Chan <> wrote:
>> Oh I don't know, maybe this "yawning gap" wouldn't be so wide if the
>> chapter don't get criticised for both not increasing its membership numbers
>> and having increased its membership numbers.
>> Just a wide guess....
>> KTC
>> Sent from my Samsung device
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