Try wp-admin -> ‘Appearance’ -> ‘Editor’, select ‘Theme Footer' on the right, 
and edit the info there. Make a backup of the changes, though, as they will be 
lost if you later update the theme. You might want to consider adding a 
CC-BY-SA license while you’re there. ;-)

For screenshots of the process see e.g.:


> On 24 Apr 2018, at 11:58, John Lubbock <> wrote:
> I'm afraid I can't figure out how to easily remove the copyright notice. I'll 
> try to figure it out but it's not high up on my priority list. If anybody 
> else who is familiar with Wordpress knows how to remove it, please let me 
> know.
> John Lubbock
> Communications Coordinator
> Wikimedia UK
> +44 (0) 203 372 0767
> Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and 
> Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Office 1, 
> Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ. 
> Wikimedia UK is the national chapter of the global Wikimedia open knowledge 
> movement. We rely on donations from individuals to support our work to make 
> knowledge open for all. Have you considered supporting Wikimedia UK? Donate 
> here <>.
> The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate 
> Wikipedia, amongst other projects). Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit 
> charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility for its 
> contents.
> On 24 April 2018 at 13:46, John Lubbock < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Fabian. I've never noticed that copyright tag before. It seems to come as 
> standard in Wordpress pages and I will see if there is a way to remove it.
> John Lubbock
> Communications Coordinator
> Wikimedia UK
> +44 (0) 203 372 0767
> Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and 
> Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Office 1, 
> Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ. 
> Wikimedia UK is the national chapter of the global Wikimedia open knowledge 
> movement. We rely on donations from individuals to support our work to make 
> knowledge open for all. Have you considered supporting Wikimedia UK? Donate 
> here <>.
> The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate 
> Wikipedia, amongst other projects). Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit 
> charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility for its 
> contents.
> On 24 April 2018 at 13:31, < <>> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for the Wikimedia UK Spring newsletter.
> Sorry if I missed any previous discussion about the assertion of copyright on 
> the Wikimedia UK blog <>, but I am afraid I 
> have become a bit of a copyright geek over past fifteen years - a bye-product 
> of being a Wikimedian I suppose.
> I have just posted a comment with the query:
> "Does the copyright tag at the bottom of this page mean that I am assigning 
> copyright of this comment to Wikimedia UK?"
> Please note if the answer is yes, I am reproducing my comment here under a 
> fair-use <> 
> rationale.
> all the best,
> Leutha
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