Love the ideas Rexx!

I think the "Openness <>" space
would be rather well suited as well, for rather obvious reasons :)

Piggybacking off of this, Freenode.Live <> is back
this year (November, Bristol) and is also calling for proposals
<>. The Wikimedia community heavily uses
Freenode IRC <> so we'd be well placed
to have a presence there too!

I'm aiming to be at Mozfest (tickets permitting!) and Freenode.Live.

On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 5:01 PM Rex X <> wrote:

> A couple of obvious topics could be:
> (1) Web Literacy - the ability to contribute to Wikimedia projects is a
> high-level transferable skill worth promoting. Remember that the skills
> required to contribute to Wikipedia, for example, include researching and
> collating sources, summarising, writing, and collaboration.
> (2) Digital Inclusion - we have many people in the UK for whom English is
> not their first language. With so much of the internet delivered in
> English, there is a cultural bias toward English. Wikimedia projects have
> the capacity to allow people of varied backgrounds to contribute from their
> own cultural perspective and to help preserve their heritage. WMUK has
> experience working with both the traditional groups of Welsh and Scots, and
> also modern groups like the Asian, Polish, and Balkan communities. I'm sure
> you're aware of others.
> In either case, a session could be made with a brief introduction to WMUK
> and the work we do, followed by a hands-on editing session to give
> participants a taste of what is possible. Round it out with an invitation
> to keep in touch with WMUK and join the Wikimedia editing community.
> Obviously, those are just first thoughts, but I think we have such a good
> track record that it would be a shame if we couldn't put something together
> for MozFest.
> --
> Rexx
> On 29 June 2018 at 16:09 John Lubbock <>
> wrote:
> Hello UK Wikimedians, Mozilla have issued a call for proposals for
> sessions at this year's Mozfest. I'd like Wikimedia UK to have a presence
> there, so if anybody has any ideas for sessions, why not let us know and we
> will see if we can support it?
> John Lubbock
> Communications Coordinator
> Wikimedia UK
> +44 (0) 203 372 0767
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> Wikimedia UK is the national chapter of the global Wikimedia open
> knowledge movement. We rely on donations from individuals to support our
> work to make knowledge open for all. Have you considered supporting
> Wikimedia UK? Donate here <>.
> The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate
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