On Thu, 30 Apr 2020 at 16:19, Lucy Crompton-Reid
<lucy.crompton-r...@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:


> To come back more specifically to the BM issue, I will follow this up next 
> week.

Thank you, Lucy.

I have been reflecting on this over the weekend. As well as the two
prongs of our lobbying the BM (choosing a better licence for images
where they hold the copyright; and not claiming copyright in PD
material), I think there is a third approach we can take, not specific
to the BM.

We as individuals and as a movement, and WMUK specifically could do
more to inform the public of their rights - that material whose
copyright has expired is theirs to freely reuse, and that bogus
copyright claims regarding such material impinge on such rights.

Andy Mabbett

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