Thanks David for raising the issue and reaching out.

Can I suggest though that this discussion gets moved to the Afrikaans Wikipedia talk pages.  If the mailing list gets used for every edit dispute we'd all be swamped!

On 2020/07/15 01:27, David Richfield wrote:
I went to the effort of doing a complete translation of the excellent,
balanced, extensive German article, and uploaded it from the
translation tool, and as soon as I started fixing formatting issues, I
realised that a minute after uploading the article I had been blocked
by Voyageur, who restored his version of the article. I would have
liked to take this topic to the Geselshoekie, but now that's not

The reason for the block was given as "Skrap van bladsyinhoud" (page blanking).

The article as it stands at the moment is an uncritical advertisement
for Scientology, not remotely adhering to NPOV. It has the following
text as a caption to an image:

Haatspraak van Anonymous-ondersteuner in San Francisco teen
Sciëntologie. L. Ron Hubbard se seun Quentin is in 1976 onder verdagte
omstandighede dood aangetref, die selfmoordteorie nooit bewese nie.
Moontlik het hy slegte geselskap met sy lewe betaal.
Anti-Sciëntologiese aktiviste probeer steeds weer liggelowige gay mans
teen die Kerk van Sciëntologie opsweep

In English:

Hate speech by Anonymous supporter in San Francisco against
Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard's son Quentin was found dead in 1976 under
suspicious circumstances, the suicide theory never proven. Possibly he
paid bad company with his life. Anti-Scientology activists repeatedly
try to incite gullible gay men against the Church of Scientology

Actually, just go and read for yourself. It's
really quite amazingly biased.

Now who is this Voyageur? I don't really know, but on the Geselshoekie
you will see his attitude towards Muslims:

Die lys Moslem-terroriste (en -slagoffers) is beslis langer as die lys
van Sciëntologiese terroriste... Lede van daardie kerk kan natuurlik
oorweeg om iedereen, wat hulle wil bekeer of hul "profeet" beledig,
die keel af te sny... Ek sal dan steeds nog hier skryf. Kan ons 'n lys
kry van lande waar Islam gelyke regte vir almal, 'n demokratiese
samelewing en tegnologiese vooruitgang bevorder het?

In English:

The list of Muslim terrorists (and victims) is definitely longer than
the list of Scientological terrorists ... Members of that church can,
of course, consider cutting the throats of anyone who wants to repent
[yes, not "recant", but literally "repent" in the sense of "be saved"]
or insult their "prophet". I'll still be writing here then. Can we get
a list of countries where Islam has promoted equal rights for all, a
democratic society and technological progress?

This in a discussion that had nothing to do with Scientology or
religion until he pushed it in that direction.

I have now appealed my block on my talk page. Let's see what happens next.

Now it's way past my bedtime.

On Tue, 14 Jul 2020 at 14:55, Douglas Scott <> wrote:
I find myself agreeing with David on this. Although my opinion on the
article does not really matter. What does matter is that at first glance it
does look non-NPOV. I think David has done the right thing by being bold.
An action that we should all be open to taking when we see things that need
changing/adding/editing on any language version of Wikipedia. T

If there are others who feel strongly about the article as it was then it
can be discussed on the articles talk page.



On Tue, 14 Jul 2020 at 01:06, David Richfield <>

The task is taking much longer than I expected: I'm about halfway
through, but most of the citation templates aren't automatically
translated by the translation tool, so I'm having to do them almost by
hand. I hope to get it done tomorrow night, and then I'll also
announce it on the Geselshoekie. No sense in putting the cat among the
pigeons before then.

On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 at 19:38, David Richfield <>
And the German article has been around since 2002, has had 265
editors, and is actually written from a neutral point of view.

I'm going to do the translation and discuss it on the Geselshoekie.

On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 at 18:35, Rossouw van Rooyen <>
The article has existed since 2004 and has seen 9 editors.

So rather first discuss it in the Geselshoekie.

*Rossouw van RooyenFarm ManagerWildheim <
081 874 1191Tel: 063 280 650*

On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 at 17:31, David Richfield <>

Hi Rossouw,

It massively violates NPOV, one-sidedly presenting the point of view
of the Church itself. It's also openly polemical: for example, see
captions on the first two pictures.

You can compare it to the German article, which is balanced and
It seems to be essentially the product of a single, very biased
In fact, I'm going to be bold and simply translate the German article
tonight and take this discussion to the Geselshoekie.

On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 at 16:55, Rossouw van Rooyen <>

What exactly is wrong with it?

*Rossouw van RooyenFarm ManagerWildheim <
081 874 1191Tel: 063 280 650*

On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 at 16:24, David Richfield <>

What on earth is going on with the Afrikaans Wikipedia? is blatant
David Richfield
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