My understanding is that there is a blocking issue for "mul" identified in
and that needs staff review for things to progress.

You may wish to start rattling the cage with Rob Lanphier's team to see if
they can get their review done. I have already tried waving it with a staff
member, however, it may be that we need to push publicly where it is
seen. Asking nicely fails.

Regards, Billinghurst

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Alex Brollo <> wrote:

> Really, simply  to add "mul" to the list of included languages should be
> sufficient (in the double significance of "no specified language - multiple
> languages"). The "old" prefix would be perhaps better, since it's already
> in use into Iwpage transclusion. English could be linked to "mul" as
> default language for translation issues of interface. Is this so terribly
> difficult? Is there really a hard  techno issue, or the whole matter is
> mainly a matter of "policy"? The latter case would be very disturbing.
> Alex
> 2014-09-13 22:05 GMT+02:00 Federico Leva (Nemo) <>:
> Alex Brollo, 07/08/2014 15:33:
>> > Bug 62717 <> - Move
>> > oldwikisource on <> to
>> > <>, and I encourage any of
>> > you, reading these posts, to do the same.
>> This bug title (mul vs. www) sounds rather silly. Focusing on a specific
>> solution rather than the goal you want to achieve is generally
>> considered a bad practice for bug reporters.
>> We have several OldWikisource issues related to the fact that MediaWiki
>> should recognise it as "mul" language and provide standard support for
>> such a case, but being forced to also change the subdomain seems
>> extremely weird. That said, if we manage to get some progress that way I
>> can only be happy. :-)
>> Nemo
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