I have used the email support on other Discourse instances and can say
that it is *really* bad. The messages are not sent in the right order,
edited posts don't work, the formatting doesn't work well, headers
related to mailing lists aren't sent properly and I have many other
complaints. I don't think the Discourse developers care much about the
email support, and there are many features of Discourse that it does
not work with or that were clearly not given much thought. If the point
is just to get a nicer looking web interface, upgrading to Mailman 3
would be a better option.

On Mon, 2016-02-08 at 22:09 +0100, Ad Huikeshoven wrote:
> Hi,
> Aubrey and Sam would like to try Discourse as an alternative for the
> wikisource-l mailing list. A pilot installation is up and running at
> https://discourse.wmflabs.org/. There is a separate category for
> wikisource-l related discussions on the Discourse site. Members can
> create
> new posts by mailing to wmflabsdiscourse+wikisourc...@gmail.com.
> The pilot installation is to test things out. Users of Discourse can
> download their posts in a .csv file. Admins can download backups -
> which
> are Postgress database tables. I'm trying to figure out to
> export/download
> all posts of all users. Discourse uses javascript, as does Facebook,
> Twitter and many other sites.
> For the Wikimedia Discourse installation to be a succesful pilot it
> has to
> be a real alternative for a mailing list like wikisource-l. Users
> want to
> read posts in their mail, and want to be able to reply to posts by
> mail,
> without having to visit the site. Users who have signed up at
> https://
> discourse.wmflabs.org/ will receive new posts by default in their
> mailbox.
> Mail preferences can be individually set. Wikimedia Discourse users
> can
> reply by mail to posts received by mail. Members of Wikimedia
> Discourse can
> mail new posts. Please let me know if anything is missing at
> Wikimedia
> Discourse that the current wikisource-l mailing list does have. Sign
> up for
> an account at https://discourse.wmflabs.org/ to discover the extras
> Discourse offers. Wikimedia Discourse users can earn barnstars for
> example,
> isn't that nice?
> Please note that by subscribing to the wikisource-l mailing list your
> mailing list subscription isn't linked to any account at any
> Wikimedia
> wiki, neither is your mail address. For the wikisource-l mailing list
> you
> will have to provide a mail address and after confirmation mailman
> will
> mail you a password. If you want to sign up at https://discourse
> .wmflabs.org/ you will have to provide a mail address and pick a
> password
> yourself. Currently their is no link between
> https://discourse.wmflabs.org/ accounts
> and any account at any Wikimedia wiki, nor is their link with mail
> addresses, just like it as with the wikisource-l mailing list. A
> phabricator ticket requesting SSO or Oauth 1.0 or Oauth 2.0 can be
> found at
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T124691. Currently there are no
> resources
> available for writing an Oauth 1.0 plugin for Wikimedia Discourse,
> neither
> are there resources available for moving MediaWiki authentification
> from
> Oauth 1.0 to Oauth 2.0. As said, SSO or Oauth is a 'nice to have' and
> doesn't have to block a succesful pilot.
> Secure communication is a must. The Discourse installation is now
> configured to default to use SSL, so you will always see https://.
> Here is a short list of places where the Discourse installation can
> be
> discussed:
>    - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Discourse
>    - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Discourse
>    - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T124690
> and of course at the wikisource-l mailing list and at https://discour
> se
> .wmflabs.org/.
> Best regards,
> Ad Huikeshoven
> _______________________________________________
> Wikisource-l mailing list
> Wikisource-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikisource-l

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