Thanks for sharing Shrini.
>> The events can be anything. Below are a few ideas I can share
-- All of these are interesting ideas. Specially different aspects of
Wikisource might be an interesting idea to present/discuss, in my opinion.

Tito Dutta
Note: If I don't reply to your email in 2 days, please feel free to remind
me over email or phone call.

On Wed, 13 May 2020 at 19:13, Shrinivasan T <> wrote:

> Coko Foundation, USA is organizing a global wide event to promote
> “Open Publishing”.
> This is an online event.
> Anyone can propose, conduct event on their own language, their desired
> online platform.
> From the website,
> <quote>
> Open Publishing Fest celebrates communities developing open creative,
> scholarly, technological, and civic publishing projects. Together, we
> find new ground to share our ideas.
> This is at once a collaborative and distributed event. Sessions are
> hosted by individuals and organizations around the world as panel
> discussions, fireside chats, demonstrations, and performances. We
> connect those points to bring them in conversation with one another
> and map out what’s next.
> We seek to build networks of resilience and care for people working on
> new ways to develop and share knowledge.
> Join us by proposing a session. Proposals will be considered on a
> rolling basis up to and throughout the fest.
> </quote>
> Propose an event here –
> You can propose any number of events.
> Last date to propose is May 29 2020. Yes. Till the last date, you can
> propose and conduct events.
> Already 70+ events are proposed. Check them all here –
> The events can be anything. Below are few ideas I can share
> 1. Demo on any free/open source software related to publishing. There
> are plenty.
> Calibre
> LibreOffice
> Scribus
> Editoria
> PubSweet
> wordpress blog
> and more
> 2. Hackathons to explore and contribute to these software.
> 3. Panel discussions on these publishing tools
> 4. Book reviews/discussion on open licensed books
> 5. Silent reading events. Mark a specific date/time and friends. Read
> few open licensed books. Thats all.
> 6. Proofread the books in in your language
> 7. If you can write, write a book or few chapters for your next open
> licensed book
> 8. Pratham Books is running  where you can
> create story books for kids. You can draw images and upload there.
> Translate existing stories to your language. All the books there in
> Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.
> 9. Check the Open Publishing Fest Event calendar here –
> Promote the all the
> events you can at the social mediums you are.
> You can bring more ideas and share here.
> --
> Regards,
> T.Shrinivasan
> My Life with GNU/Linux :
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> --
> Regards,
> T.Shrinivasan
> My Life with GNU/Linux :
> Free E-Magazine on Free Open Source Software in Tamil :
> Get Free Tamil Ebooks for Android, iOS, Kindle, Computer :
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