And here I am with more questions. ;-)

Can you explain how the lead paragraph section will work? For instance the
Wikisources pages generally lead with a generic ns template, before
starting on the body of the work.

Snippets ... with Wikisources poetry, is there a means to have the first
line of a poem promoted to be a snippet? Thinking of this as much poetry is
cited by its first line, so can see some synergy, especially if there was
either some markup, or automatic recognition of the first line. Also
knowing that depending on the work sometimes it has a title prior to the
first line, sometimes not.

Within which feature is the snippets stuff/ Looking at
it isn't obvious to me which it is.

Regards, Billinghurst

On Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:00:03 -0400, Nikolas Everett
<> wrote:
> Sorry for writing a novel!
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 9:30 AM, Guillaume Paumier
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Nik Everett added a lot of information about future CirrusSearch
>> to the next edition of Tech News (#26, due to be sent on Monday).
>> you, Nik :)
>> We can't include all of it in the newsletter, so below is the original
>> text with all the details. The newsletter will point to this email for
>> further information.
>> _______________________________________________________________
>>    - CirrusSearch updates (with 1.24wmf10)
>>       - Categories will now be considered in result ranking which
>>       improve results
>>          - We took a shortcut to get this deployed (much) more quickly
>>          and the consequences are that the incategory operator won't
>>          work for up to
>>          24 hours after the deployment. We'll make this time as short
>>          possible.
>>          If this is going to be a horrible pain then file a bug
>>          against
>>          Cirrus with the wiki you work on. We can either prioritize
>>          wiki so the
>>          outage is very small or, if its a big enough deal, come up
>>          a
>>          workaround.
>>       - Text from the lead paragraph in the article will be given a
>>       when ranking results which should also improve results
>>          - This will take some time to roll onto the wikis after wmf10
>>          because the index will have to be rebuilt. Days, likely.
>>          - I don't imagine this'll have any impact on wiktionary and
>>          commons but file a bug
>>          against
>>          Cirrus if it seems like it has a negative impact on results
>>       - We're on track to add support for searching in article source
>>       including regular expressions. See [the documentation
>>       <>] for
>>       more.
>>          - Like the lead paragraph the article source will take some
>>          to roll into the index after the deployment.
>>          - Right now we haven't implemented snippet extraction from
>>          article source searches. You'll only get snippets back from
>>          regular
>>          search terms. If you don't have any regular search terms
>>          get back a
>>          snippet from the beginning of the article. I know this isn't
>>          ideal at all,
>>          and its on the list of things to fix.
>>       - We'll cut all wikis over to a new snippet extractor
>>          - You should only notice improvements in the snippets
>>          but if you see any trouble file a bug
>>          against
>>          Cirrus
>> --
>> Guillaume Paumier
>> Technical Communications Manager — Wikimedia Foundation
>> _______________________________________________
>> Wikitech-ambassadors mailing list

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